Real Life Pack (Fix Edition)
Vlodber, Artem240220, DemolitionNick, Arshi678, Nyolc8
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32.60 Mb
Files inside:
Files with known extensions that were found in the archive.
cargrp.dat, colorcycle.dat, gta_sa.set, int_cont.ipl, object.dat, popcycle.dat, seabed.ipl, texdb/txd, timecyc.dat, txd.360.dat, txd.dxt.dat, txd.etc.dat, txd.pvr.dat
Total downloads: 2123
Unique downloads: 1692

Aras Sahin
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Legend cj

Star Boy






Sasuke uchxhx

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Omarbeg Nazarow
Poco Phone
Christian Tahum

Ramiro Manuba


Samir 4554
Степан Агафонов




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12 September 2024real-life-pack_1726158619_454678.7z
This pack is what you could only dream of as a child!
Now you will see the game as it should have been!
The atmosphere of the game has been preserved!
Changes in the game:
- Fix 60 FPS;
- Colored smoke from a small plane;
- Now you can get drunk in the bar and at the disco;
- When searching for a player, the military became tougher (new vehicles appear on 6 stars);
- Searchlights on the Lighthouse, Pyramid and Zone 69, as well as on the roofs of buildings in the cities of LS, SF and LV;
- Story interiors are open;
- You can sit in a tram with passengers;
- Lighting has appeared at some gas stations;
- There is HP near the hospital;
- New timecycle from the Ps2 version;
- Added cinematic camera (To activate, press the camera switch button 2 times);
- Police shoot from the car after three stars;
- High-quality reflections and textures on vehicles;
- Fixed lighting in the casino;
- First-person driving through the cleo-menu.
- Suitable for APK versions: 1.08 and 2.00
Introductory video:
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Real Life Pack (Fix Edition)
Этот пак — то, о чём вы в детстве могли только мечтать!
Теперь вы увидите игру такой, какой она и должна была быть!
Атмосфера игры сохранился!
Изменения в игре:
- Фикс 60 ФПС;
- Цветной дым из маленького самолёта;
- Теперь в баре и на дискотеке можно напиться;
- При розыске игрока военные стали жёстче (на 6 звёзд появляются новые ТС);
- Прожекторы на Маяке, Пирамиде и Зоне 69, а также на крышах зданий в городах ЛС, СФ и ЛВ;
- Сюжетные интерьеры открыты;
- Можно сидеть в трамвае с пассажирами;
- На некоторых заправках появилось освещение;
- Рядом с больницей есть ХП;
- Новый таймцикл из Пс2 версии;
- Добавлена кинематографическая камера (Чтобы активировать, нажмите 2 раза кнопку смены камеры);
- Полиция стреляет из машины после трёх звезд;
- Качественные отражения и текстуры на ТС;
- Исправлено освещение в казино;
- Вождение от первого лица через клео-меню.
- Подойдет АПК версии: 1.08 и 2.00
Ознакомительный ролик:
Permissions and distribution rules
The author answered the following questions upon publication. By downloading the file, you agree to abide by these rules.
Is it allowed to reupload the file to other websites / platforms / services?
Is it allowed to create paid mods using the developments, components, or assets presented in this file?
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Is it allowed to edit or update the file and upload its updated versions separately?
Allowed only with the author's attribution
Is it allowed to convert the file for use in other games?
Allowed only with the author's attribution
Is it allowed to use the developments, components, or assets presented in this file to create your own files?
Allowed only with the author's attribution
Are there any developments from other people in this file for which the author has permissions, but which cannot be distributed without the consent of their authors?
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