AModLoader without Data folder
RusJJ (Killman)
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25.58 Mb
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Files with known extensions that were found in the archive.
360default1280x720.cfg, 360default960x720.cfg, animgrp.dat, ar_stats.dat, audiozon.ipl, barriers.ide, carcols.dat, cargrp.dat, carmods.dat, carrec.img, clothes.dat, colorcycle.dat, countn2.ide, countn2.ipl, countrye.ide, countrye.ipl, countryn.ide, countryn.ipl, countrys.ide, countrys.ipl, countryw.ide, countryw.ipl, counxref.ide, cull.ipl, default.dat, default.ide, dynamic.ide, dynamic2.ide, fonts.dat, furnitur.dat, gen_int1.ide, gen_int1.ipl, gen_int2.ide, gen_int2.ipl, gen_int3.ide, gen_int3.ipl, gen_int4.ide, gen_int4.ipl, gen_int5.ide, gen_int5.ipl, gen_intb.ide, gen_intb.ipl, gridref.dat, gta.dat, gtasa_vehicleaudiosettings.cfg, handling.cfg, int_cont.ide, int_cont.ipl, int_la.ide, int_la.ipl, int_sf.ide, int_sf.ipl, int_veg.ide, int_veg.ipl, lae.ide, lae.ipl, lae2.ide, lae2.ipl, lahills.ide, lahills.ipl, lan.ide, lan.ipl, lan2.ide, lan2.ipl, las.ide, las.ipl, las2.ide, las2.ipl, law.ide, law.ipl, law2.ide, law2.ipl, lawn.ide, lawn.ipl, laxref.ide, leveldes.ide, leveldes.ipl, levelmap.ide, levelmap.ipl, levelxre.ide, mainv1.scm, maps/sf, melee.dat, multiobj.ide, object.dat, occlu.ipl, occluint.ipl, occlula.ipl, occlusf.ipl, occluveg.ipl, paths.ipl, paths2.ipl, paths3.ipl, paths4.ipl, paths5.ipl, ped.dat, pedgrp.dat, peds.ide, pedstats.dat, plants.dat, popcycle.dat, procobj.dat, procobj.ide, propext.ide, props.ide, props2.ide, roadblox.dat, savehous.ide, savehous.ipl, scriptv1.img, seabed.ide, seabed.ipl, sfe.ide, sfe.ipl, sfn.ide, sfn.ipl, sfs.ide, sfs.ipl, sfse.ide, sfse.ipl, sfw.ide, sfw.ipl, sfxref.ide, shopping.dat, shopuvs.dat, stadint.ide, stadint.ipl, statdisp.dat, surface.dat, surfaud.dat, surfinfo.dat, timecyc.dat, touchdefaultphone3x2.cfg, touchdefaultphonewidescreen.cfg, touchdefaultphonewidescreen2.cfg, touchdefaulttablet4x3.cfg, touchdefaulttabletwidescreen.cfg, tracks.dat, tracks2.dat, tracks3.dat, tracks4.dat, tunnels.ipl, txdcut.ide, vegase.ide, vegase.ipl, vegasn.ide, vegasn.ipl, vegass.ide, vegass.ipl, vegasw.ide, vegasw.ipl, vegaxref.ide, vegaxref.ipl, vegepart.ide, veh_mods.ide, vehicles.ide, water.dat, water1.dat, weapon.dat
Total downloads: 2893
Unique downloads: 1761
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26 September 2023APKgta-sa-aml-bez-data_1695704002_218176.zipPassword for the archive: libertycity
26 September
The game requires installation of data in the root folder of the game!
Greetings to all! I would like to introduce to you, GTA SA AModLoader for Android
What is AML?
AModLoader is a universal mod that allows players and modders to install modifications more easily, as well as easily change the main game script mainV1.scm.
What is this for?
To work with large modifications such as HotCoffeMod, etc.
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Comments 26