Helicopter Pilots Fix
Niko beluco
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2.87 Kb
Total downloads: 2694
Unique downloads: 2115
Guy matheo Aguidi




رابح مطماطي



Yanagi Uzaki


Zaki Bruh
Lojiaxiang Lo




No Va

Ameen Alhindi
MD KING 2000

Данил Норово


Officer Gamers



Joe Russo




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29 July 2022heli-pilots-fix_1659116718_118857.zip
This is a mod that restores the pilots in the News Chopper and Police Maverick. Because of the limitations of the time it was impossible to add this to the game.
The feature of the mod is that SWAT will not dare to leave the helicopter and yes — they will shoot at you. You can also shoot and kill pilots.
The good thing is also that the peds change on the news helicopter, but because of a code glitch the pilot will always be a pedestrian named MALE01 and the co-pilot will be a random pedestrian.
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