Title: Job "Box" Author: Vitaly Sharapov (vk.com/idjei). Installation: move everything from the CLEO folder to sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa. Description: This mod allows you to carry boxes. For the transfer of boxes you will receive m...
Title: MP3 v.2 (by IDJEI). Author: Vitaly Sharapov (vk.com/idjei). Headphones: Vegito99. Installation: move everything from the CLEO folder to sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa. Drop the files folder into sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstarg...
Title: Rezone Territory (Android) Installation: Throw all the files in the com.rockstargames.gtasa folder. Author: Rodent, Port - IDJEI. Description: This mod allows you to designate the territory right in the game. Activation: call cleo menu, se...
Title: CJ cop (LS) Author: Vitaly Sharapov (vk.com/idjei). Installation: move everything from the CLEO folder to sdcard0/Android/data/com.rockstargames. Description: This mod makes it possible to wear a cop uniform, thereby CJ will serve the law). We...
Title: Noclip Author: Vitaly Sharapov (vk.com/idjei). Installation: move everything from the CLEO folder to sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa. Description: This mod adds the ability to pass through textures. It also works on cars. Activati...
Title: Shoot from the car. Installation: Throw in sdcard/Android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa Description: Now you can shoot from the driver's seat. Works on all vehicles except: boats, air transport, ambulance, armored personnel carriers. Activat...
Title: GTA V İmponte Duke Installation: Use the Img tool to replace clover.dff with gta3.img. Description: Replaces the standard car with a car from GTA V. The car is painted in 2 colors. Have a nice game).
Title: Shelby GT500 Super Snake Installation: replace jester.dff with gta3.img. Description: Mustang to replace the standard car. There is one minus in the model, a big minus-salon made haphazardly. Have a nice game).
Project Japan - GTA SA Android. New textures in oriental style - Japanese. Textures of good quality. Installation instructions inside the archive. Have a nice game!
Title: Unlock all auto parts Author: Vitaly Sharapov (vk.com/idjei). Installation: throw the script along the way, in sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa. Description: This mod allows you to open all parts of the car. Hood, trunk, doors. All...
Title: Bayside House #2 Author: Vitaly Sharapov (vk.com/idjei). Installation: move everything from the CLEO folder to sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa. move the files folder to sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa. Description: Th...
Title: Bayside House #3 Author: Vitaly Sharapov (vk.com/idjei). Installation: move everything from the CLEO folder to sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa. Description: This mod adds a house on Bayside, in which: 1) Added: Infernus (Infernus ...
Title: Ghost Bike Author: Vitaly Sharapov (vk.com/idjei). Installation: move everything from the CLEO folder to sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa. Description: This mod adds the ability to summon a fire bike, the appearance is accompanied ...
Title: BMW Z4 GTR Installation: using the Img tool, replace elegy.dff with gta3.img. Description: Replaces original model with BMW Z4 GTR. Have a nice game).
Title: CJ's house on Las Colinas (Android) Author: Vitaly Sharapov (vk.com/idjei). Installation: move everything from the CLEO folder to sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa. Description: This mod adds a new home for CJ, where you can: save, ...