Race Maker (Beta 2) for Mobile

This mod allows you to create 5 opponents with random cars and 25 control points located where you want, and race with them! Pay $ 100 and win $ 500 if you are first in the race! This mod under construction and the playroom shows my plans for the future. Currently, only race is supported. The rest of the settings will be implemented in the future. There will be a Casual Run script that creates a random race, but this will be the last update.
You have to place cars and checkpoints on the roads.
To install, place the unpacked files in the data / com.rockstars /. You need to install CLEO to run it.
There is the latest gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5q-Sy-dqmg
The next update will contain:
-Improved AI. This will be the main focus for a while
-Bugfixes: there are not many of them at the moment, but if I find them, be sure that I will kill them.
This is mod lets you create 5 opponents with random cars and 25 checkpoints placed where you want and race with them! Pay $ 100 to partecipate and win $ 500 if you'll be the first in the race! This mod is under development and the in-game menu shows my future plans. At moment, Default Race is the only supported race. The other settings will be implemented in future. The Casual Run will be a script that creates a random race track, but it will be the last update.
You must put the cars and checkpoints on the roads.
To install, put the unzipped files into data / com.rockstars /. You must have installed CLEO to run it.
There is a gameplay of the latest version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5q-Sy-dqmg
The next update will contain:
-Improve AI. This will be main focus for a while
-Bugfixes: at moment I dont se many, but if I found them be sure I'll kill them.
-Add the possibility to increase / decrease the number of opponents
If you like it, please, tell me! If you want to contact me in any way, use the mail linked. If you hate it, please, tell me why! Have fun!
Это мод позволяет создать 5 противников со случайными автомобилями и 25 контрольными точками, расположенными там, где вы хотите, и гонки с ними! Заплатите 100$ и выиграйте 500$, если вы будете первым в гонке! Этот мод в стадии разработки и в игровом показаны мои планы на будущее. В настоящее время, поддерживается только гонка. Остальные настройки будут реализованы в будущем. Casual Run скрипт будет, который создает случайную гонку, но это будет последним обновлением.
Вы должны поставить автомобили и контрольные точки на дорогах.
Для того, чтобы установить, поместите распакованные файлы в данных / com.rockstars /. Необходимо установить CLEO, чтобы запустить его.
Существует геймплей последней версии: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5q-Sy-dqmg
Следующее обновление будет содержать:
-Улучшение AI. Это будет основной акцент на некоторое время
-Багфиксы: в данный момент их немного, но если я нашел их будтье уверены, что я убью их.
-Добавить возможность увеличить / уменьшить количество противников
This is mod lets you create 5 opponents with random cars and 25 checkpoints placed where you want and race with them! Pay 100$ to partecipate and win 500$ if you\'ll be the first in the race! This mod is under development and the in-game menu shows my future plans. At moment, Default Race is the only supported race. The other settings will be implemented in future. The Casual Run will be a script that creates a random race track, but it will be the last update.
You must put the cars and checkpoints on the roads.
To install, put the unzipped files into data/com.rockstars/. You must have installed CLEO to run it.
There is a gameplay of the latest version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5q-Sy-dqmg
The next update will contain:
-Improve AI. This will be main focus for a while
-Bugfixes: at moment I dont se many, but if I found them be sure I\'ll kill them.
-Add the possibility to increase/decrease the number of opponents
If you like it, please, tell me! If you want to contact me in any way, use the mail linked. If you hate it, please, tell me why! Have fun!
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