Improved pickups
Ezekiel, Jessica Natalia (Clara), Bardash_Yankee
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7.09 Mb
Files inside:
Files with known extensions that were found in the archive.
adrenaline.dff, armour.dff, bigdollar.dff, bodyarmour.dff, bribe.dff, briefcase.dff, camerapickup.dff, cj_money_bag.dff, clothesp.dff, craigpackage.dff, cylinder.dff, diamond_3.dff, gun_para.dff, health.dff, info.dff, killfrenzy.dff, killfrenzy2plyr.dff, money.dff, para_pack.dff, parachute.dff, pickupsave.dff, pikupparachute.dff, property_fsale.dff, property_locked.dff, twoplayer.dff
Total downloads: 1665
Unique downloads: 572


Sky Inourhand



Денис Репин










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Improved pickups for mobile
This modification improves game pickups.
- Qualitative models;
- High-quality textures;
- Replaced more than twenty pickups (save floppy, money, parachute, body armor, etc. ;
- Looks good in the game.
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Улучшенные пикапы
Improved pickups for mobile
Данная модификация, улучшает игровые пикапы.
- Качественные модели;
- Качественные текстуры;
- Заменено более двадцати пикапов (дискета для сохранения, деньги, парашют, бронежилет и т.д. ;
- Хорошо выглядят в игре.
Guides for installing mods
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Comments 1