90 Atmosphere Weapons Pack

20 October 20221606768387_1606764929_90s-atmosphere-weapons-pack.zip
90's Atmosphere Weapons Pack for Mobile
90's Atmosphere Weapons Pack is a global mod for replacing standard weapons with similar or similar ones in HD quality.
- High quality models;
- High quality textures;
- Correct position in the hands;
- High quality icons;
- Does not spoil the atmosphere of the 90s.
Weapon authors:
- fireflies;
- OutWaller;
- JoaoPSoares Simba;
- Bullet Zone;
- Script;
- DooMG;
- DeMoN;
- Korle;
- ginopinoy;
- Korle;
- Iceman humanf;
- Arlan300898;
- Alexey;
- DshGames;
- K96-123;
- Game Boy Killer;
- mialt18;
- Saif King;
- RS Studios;
- Renegade;
- emikiller.
90's Atmosphere Weapons Pack for Mobile
90's Atmosphere Weapons Pack — это глобальный мод по замене стандартного оружия на аналогичные или похожие в HD качестве.
- Высококачественные модели;
- Высококачественные текстуры;
- Правильное расположение в руках;
- Высококачественные иконки;
- Не портит атмосферу 90-x.
Авторы оружия:
- Firefly;
- vados;
- OutWaller;
- JoaoPSoares Simba;
- Bullet-Zone;
- Skript;
- DooMG;
- DeMoN;
- Korle;
- ginopinoy;
- Threeton;
- Mefisto1234;
- Korle;
- IceMan humanf;
- SaMD;
- Arlan300898;
- Alexey;
- DshGames;
- K96-123;
- GameBoyKiller;
- mialt18;
- Saif King;
- RS Studios;
- Renegade;
- emikiller.
Guides for installing mods
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