Successful detention of Grove Street
TORETO_MODS, Undercover
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Jose Perdomo
Ednilson Joaquim



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Successful detention of Grove Street for mobile
Some members of the Grove Street Families were involved in shady dealings. San Andreas SWAT caught them on a drug and money deal. Now they are holding a conference. All the evidence was laid out near the police station in Los Santos, journalists were invited. If you attack them, the cops will start shooting back.
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Удачное задержание Grove Street
Successful detention of Grove Street for mobile
Некоторые члены группировки Grove Street Families, промышляли темными делишками. Спецназ Сан-Андреаса, задержал их на сделке с наркотой и деньгами. Теперь они проводят конференцию. Все доказательства, разложили возле полицейского участка в Лос-Сантосе, пригласили журналистов. Если на их напасть, то копы начнут отстреливаться.
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GTA SA (iOS, Android)

New members of Grove Street
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31 July 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Bros on Grove Street
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27 September 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Improved Grove Street
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GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Grove Street revitalization
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25 February 2017
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

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8 kB
19 February 2021
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

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4 October 2021
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Immortality for the Grove Street gang
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28 February 2017
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Bros security on Grove Street
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GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Carl's friends on Grove Street V2
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25 February 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Christmas on Grove Street
Christmas at Grove Street for mobile GTA SA! This mod will add many different objects to Grove Street! All of them are made in high quality and perfectly create a Christmas atmosphere!
29 March 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

New properties on Grove Street
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5 April 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

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GTA SA (iOS, Android)

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3 MB
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GTA SA (iOS, Android)

New military base on Grove Street
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GTA SA (iOS, Android)

New Grove Street
New Grove Street for Android GTA SA! This mod will add a lot of new Japanese-style objects to Grove Street, making it more peaceful and beautiful!
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