Sweet Johnson's new home
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Total downloads: 304
Unique downloads: 113
These textures will enhance the look of Carl's older brother's house.
- Facade.
- Blind area and steps.
- Garage door.
- Entrance door.
- Path leading to the front door of the house. (she's stone now)
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Новый дом Свита Джонсона
Эти текстуры улучшат внешность дома старшего брата Карла.
- Фасад.
- Отмостка и ступени.
- Ворота гаража.
- Входная дверь.
- Дорожка, ведущая к входной двери дома. (она теперь каменная)
Guides for installing mods
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11 February 2017
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

New home in SF
Title: New home in SF. Installation: unzip the folder to /sdcard/android/data/folder with the game. Drop the data folder to /sdcard/android/data/folder with the game/files/ Author: Yura. Edited by: Vitaly Sharapov. Have a good game)

19 kB
8 July 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

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GTA SA (iOS, Android)

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GTA SA (iOS, Android)

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1 MB
26 July 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Catalina's new home
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618 kB
26 July 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

CJ's new home in Las Venturas
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10 MB
30 October 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

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1 MB
27 March 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

New VIP house in Tirra Robada
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GTA SA (iOS, Android)

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11 kB
28 February 2017
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

House on Richman (1.0)
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11 July 2017
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

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GTA SA (iOS, Android)

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GTA SA (iOS, Android)

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GTA SA (iOS, Android)

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GTA SA (iOS, Android)

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