Brothers at the bar v3

This script adds a bunch of brothers to Grove Street near the "Ten Green Bottles" bar.
What is present:
-Four cars parked: Savanna, Greenwood, Voodoo and Remington.
-A prostitute is standing and dancing in the center, and all the brothers crowded around her.
-A prostitute and a black man are sitting in Savannah doing something indecent.
-A guy is standing near the entrance and smoking.
-On the sidewalk near the bar are two people: One is talking, the other is drinking from a bottle.
-In the trunk of Greenwood'a lies Ballasovets.
Данный скрипт добавляет на Грув Стрит возле бара \"Ten Green Bottles\" тусовку братков.
Что присутствует:
-Припаркованы четыре автомобиля: Savanna, Greenwood, Voodoo и Remington.
-По центру стоит и танцует проститутка, а вокруг неё столпились все братки.
-В Savann\'е сидят проститутка и негр и занимаются кое-чем неприличным.
-Около входа стоит парень и курит.
-На тротуаре возле бара стоят два человека: Один разговаривает, другой пьёт из бутылки.
-В багажнике Greenwood\'а лежит Балласовец.
Guides for installing mods
Recommended files

Possibility to get drunk at the bar

Improved textures for the bar "Lil' Probe'Inn"

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The whole map is open at the start of the game

Possibility to enter the bar "The Welcome Pump"

Pumping Carl at the beginning of the game

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Fast character leveling at the beginning of the game

Ballas Base at the Docks

Brothers enter the premises

999999999$ at the beginning (Rich save before the first mission)

Emergency exit at the police station

Car service at the docks