Animation of movements and weapons from GTA 4

GTA IV Animation and Weapon wielding + stats for GTA SA Android
-Ragdoll Physics ^ _ ^
-GTA IV walking and running animation
-GTA IV running and climbing animations
-GTA IV weapon animation
-GTA IV weapon stats
-GTA TBoGT parachute animation
-Some animations are not at the right time
-Peds are very fast
-Passing and running animations only work on Skinny
1. Put the files in android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa/files
2. CLEO not required
3. Launch a new or download game
4. Enjoy!
GTA IV Animation and Weapon wielding + stats for GTA SA Android
-Ragdoll Physics ^ _ ^
-GTA IV анимация хождения и бега
-GTA IV анимация бега и лазания
-GTA IV анимация оружия
-GTA IV статистика оружия
-GTA TBoGT анимация парашюта
-Некоторые анимации не в нужное время
-Педы очень быстрые
-Проходы и анимация бега работают только на Skinny
1. Поместите файлы в android / data / com.rockstargames.gtasa / files
2. CLEO не требуется
3. Запустите новую или загрузите игру
4. Наслаждайтесь!
Guides for installing mods
Recommended files

A set of weapons from GTA Online

Gangsters Grove Street and Ballas from GTA 5

Collection of weapons from GTA Online

Graphics, sounds, interface and vehicles from GTA 5 - V.I.S.A 2

Animations for the main character from GTA Vice City

Effect and sound from GTA 5 when killing or arresting

Collection of weapons from GTA 5 (DFF only)

Collection of weapons from GTA EFLC

Original weapons from GTA 5 (DFF only)

Collection of animations from GTA 5

Motion animation from GTA 5

Collection of effects from GTA 5

Textures from GTA 4 for Los Santos (easy installation)

Beach Patrol from GTA VCS

Sounds from GTA 4 V3