Starter Save - "Cheater" start of the game

GTA SA Starter Save.
Save Features:
- Not a single story mission has been completed.
- Endless lives.
- Endless armor.
- Endless ammo.
- The maximum amount of money.
- Endless running.
“You are never wanted.”
- Taxi has a NOS. (Nitro)
- Prostitutes pay you.
- Maximum skills.
- Psycho weapon set.
- Minigun and Parachute.
- When you open CJ's garage, turn the camera back.
“You appear in a house on Jefferson Street.”
GTA SA Starter Save.
Особенности сохранения:
- Не пройдена ни одна сюжетная миссия.
- Бесконечные жизни.
- Бесконечная броня.
- Бесконечные патроны.
- Максимальная сумма денег.
- Бесконечный бег.
- Вас никогда не разыскивают.
- Такси имеет NOS. (Нитро)
- Проститутки платят вам.
- Максимальные навыки.
- Набор оружия Психопата.
- Миниган и Парашют.
- Когда вы открываете гараж Си-Джея, поверните камеру назад.
- Вы появляетесь в доме на улице Джефферсона.
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Convenient save for a good start of the game

The whole map is open at the start of the game

New textures at the start of the game [Jefferson]

Sheriff from the BETA VERSION of the game (+ bonus)

Pumping Carl at the beginning of the game

No obstacle at the beginning of the game

HD radar icons from the PC version of the game

Save for a good start to the game

Pumped save at the beginning of the game

Fast character leveling at the beginning of the game

Reflections from the PS2 version of the game

Tommy Vercetti from the Japanese version of the game

Convenient save to start the game

Missions of the President