All vehicles have weapons
1563279531_128827.zipDownload (0.02 MB)Password: libertycity
blast atom
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16.28 Kb
3 November 2022
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HAKER Root Fest
Cedric Moyaha

Денис Р
Bogdan Ruban


Денис Репин







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Cars Have Weapons For Mobile GTA SA!
1 and 9 activate weapons.
5 shoot bullets.
7 shoot grenades.
Guides for installing mods
Recommended files
3 November 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Night Zombies (1.0)
Features: Random weapons with weapons. Possibility to take bags of food. Even more zombies! To disable/enable hud (4+7 - off, 4+8 - on). The opportunity will be saved anywhere, use save.csi to save. There is a survivor base in LS. ...
21 April 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Air transport weapons
Air Force Weapon for Android GTA SA! This one will make it so that all air transport will have weapons such as bombs, rockets and machine guns!

2.12 kB
20 October 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Improved original weapon
ORIGINAL WEAPONS FIX + REMOVE 3D GUNFLASH + AI UPSCALE Made for you a fix of all standard weapons. Fixed the position of the weapon relative to the model, slightly increasing the size and adjusting the axis. The entire arsenal lies almost perfectly...
27 April 2020
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

No weapons (only fisticuffs)
No Guns (Only Melee) Your enemies will no longer have weapons and now they will have to fight you in a fistfight.
28 August 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

90s Atmosphere Vehicles Pack Reborn for Mobile
[RUS] 90's Atmosphere Vehicles Pack Reborn [Mobile] This pack aims to add more realism to the game. It replaces ALL vehicles in the game with real analogues from the 90s in good quality. The pack contains the best and coolest cars that can be fou...
6 December 2018
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Radio in all cars
Radio For All Vehicles for GTA SA mobile! This script will add the ability to turn on the radio in any vehicle, including tanks, ambulances and helicopters!
16 August 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Extended Vanilla Vehicle Pack 2.0 - SAMP Mobile Edition
Extended Vanilla Vehicle Pack 2.0 SAMP Mobile Edition + New Vehicle.txd + Handling.cfg Extended Vanilla Vehicle Pack is a modification that is an improved version of the standard vehicle, the purpose of which is to fix all standard bugs and errors,...
20 October 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Winter weapon
Hi all! I made a winter pack of weapons (frozen, snow-covered weapons), all types of weapons + body armor, cameras, etc. were replaced in it. Installation: Add dff files with replacement, and in txd tool add files from images to gta3 from the with...

42.01 MB
10 February 2025
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

SA SUPER modpack v4.0
All old versions before v4.0 had a lot of bugs so this version comes to fix these issues once and for all. v4.0 changelog: > Radio Los Santos now with Dembow; > CSR now with "Haranczykov" songs; > SF-UR now with Polish Trap songs; > Radio-X...
24 July 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

GTA SA BETA v7.0.1 (FIX version)
GTA SA Beta is a large mod that brings back cut content from earlier versions of the game. v7.0.1 (FIX Version) While reading the comments, I came across the fact that for some users the mod simply does not work, crashes occur, and so on. All this...
4 June 2017
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Night Zombie 0.4 (beta)
Night Zombie 0.4 (Beta) Author: Vitaly Sharapov ( Installation: move the com.rockstargames.gtasa folder to sdcard0/android/data Description: 1) Added / changed zombies, now there are 2 scripts to choose zombies. 2) Added a house with a...
25 August 2018
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Shoot from the car
Title: Shoot from the car. Installation: Throw in sdcard/Android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa Description: Now you can shoot from the driver's seat. Works on all vehicles except: boats, air transport, ambulance, armored personnel carriers. Activat...
22 August 2019
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Alien City (Android) 3.0
Modification name: Alien City (Android) 3.0 Author: Deniska is a developer. IDJEI - port, modification, scripts. HAF - additional scripts. Gajah Bertelur - SAAExten. Installation: 1) Move the com.rockstargames.gtasa folder to /data. 2) Install APK...
27 September 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

GTA SA Classic v1.7 - PC game atmosphere in GTA SA Mobile
GTA SA Classic v1.7. Cred: R*, Marcel Whyler, Fierrum (Project Madness), MrFinger, RJSanModder, Andrey 50 AND, Rakhim Mutsaev, Felipe Vilches, Konstantin Gusev, Raskul. Changes in the new version: - Added a new version of PC HUD. - Fixed many t...
11 May 2022
GTA SA (iOS, Android)

Updated Traffic & Popcycle.dat
All vehicles will spawn in Traffic. The best cars now found in rich neighborhoods, Gangs have exclusive vehicles and two wheeled vehicles now common. Move data folder and its files to Android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa/files Gangs 9 and 10 will n...
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