Title: New gang weapons. Author: Vitaly Sharapov (vk.com/idjei). Installation: move everything from the CLEO folder to sdcard0/android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa. Description: This mod gives all gangs new weapons. Namely: Balasses now have: Ak47, Country rifle, Shovel. Groove now has: Minigun, M4, Chnsaw. Vagos now has: DesertEagle, RPG, Knifecur. Refa now has: Sawnoff, Flame, Heatseek. Da Nag now has: Molotov, Sniper, Detonator. Mafia now has: Shotgspa, Fire extinguisher, Grenades. Triads now have: Ak47, Micro Uzi, Katana. Aztecs now have: Tear gas, Silenced pistol, Tec9. Have a good game).