Flashback 95.6
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Perhaps the most controversial radio station in the !
series! GTA... DJ Reni Wassulmaieris a transsexual who once gave tasks to the protagonist GTA Vice City Storiesin 1984, i.e. 13 years before the events of GTA Liberty City Stories.
By 2001, Flashback 95.6there will be a new DJ - Toni(and she worked in 1984-86 for Flash FM- in GTA Vice City Stories/Vice Cityrespectively).
01-Giorgio Moroder - I Wanna Rock You
02-Giorgio Moroder - E=MC^2
03-Giorgio Moroder - From Here To Eternity
04-Giorgio Moroder - Chase
05-Giorgio Moroder - First Hand Experience In Second Hand Love
06-Giorgio Moroder - I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone
Пожалуй, самая неоднозначная радиостанция в серии GTA... Ди-джей Reni Wassulmaier является транссексуалом, в своё время выдававшим задания протагонисту GTA Vice City Stories в 1984 году, т.е. за 13 лет до событий GTA Liberty City Stories.
К 2001 году на Flashback 95.6 будет работать новый ди-джей - Toni (а она работала в 1984-86 гг. на Flash FM - в GTA Vice City Stories/Vice City соответственно).
01-Giorgio Moroder - I Wanna Rock You
02-Giorgio Moroder - E=MC^2
03-Giorgio Moroder - From Here To Eternity
04-Giorgio Moroder - Chase
05-Giorgio Moroder - First Hand Experience In Second Hand Love
06-Giorgio Moroder - I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone
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