Mods for GTA 5 - 2870 files
Lamar Gunner
File uploaded by:
1 May 2015
File size:
2.13 Mb
By installing this script, you can easily use the installed machine gun in a pickup truck, helicopter or military vehicle. Controls: Ctrl+I - open menu Page Up/8 - up Page Down/2 - down Е - operation mode switching (manual, automatic) ...
RealTime V
RealTimeV is a simple script that synchronizes the time in the game with the computer time. I know that such an opportunity was in Native Trainer, but I decided to make it a separate plugin. Requires Script Hook V ...
Transport from "Robbery" in single mode v2.0
The mod adds to the single player game all the vehicles from the Heists add-on, which spawned only in GTA Online. Changes in 2.0: - Added more car types to spawn - now some vehicles drive around certain areas on the map (see map photo) - Slightly i...
Slow Motion/Bullet Time Toggle v1.0
Description: - The mod adds the function of slowing down time to the game, there is also an individual setting for slowing down while aiming and driving. The mod is suitable for creating beautiful and spectacular screenshots. Installation: 1. Instal...
Fuel Script V 0.2
Adds gasoline and gas stations to GTA V The gasoline lane is indicated above the minimap The engine will stop if you run out of gas To replenish fuel, stop at the gas station and press the signal (default E) to fill up fuel The plugin needs Script Ho...
Nice Fly 1.0
File uploaded by:
3 May 2015
File size:
45.49 Kb
This script opens the ability to fly a character over the city.
Enable - 0
Enable - 0
Project Cinema Sweet FX v2.0
File uploaded by:
3 May 2015
File size:
2.71 Mb
Graphic mod improves the already excellent graphics of the game.
1. Install Script Hook V.
2. Copy the folder with the installed game to the contents of the archive.
1. Install Script Hook V.
2. Copy the folder with the installed game to the contents of the archive.
Car Super Speed v1.0
The mod adds to the game the ability to turn on super-speed on any car, activation with the Num9 key. Installation: 1. Install Script Hook V. 2. Install LUA Plugin for Script Hook V. 3. Copy the folder with the installed game to the contents of the ...
Helmet Control v0.2
Mod adds to the game the ability to remove and put on a motorcycle helmet anywhere. Controls: ; – remove the helmet and disable its appearance; ] – switch helmets; ‘ – return the helmet; – the texture of the helmet; Setting: 1. Install Script Hoo...
Auto Car Paint
The mod adds to the game the ability to paint any car, according to the color you have already set in advance. By default, the primary color is black and the secondary color is red. The F4 key is used to restart the script. Installation: 1. Instal...