Nambu pistols are a series of self-loading pistols produced by the Japanese company Koishikawa Arsenal, later known as Tokyo Artillery Arsenal. The series consists of three variants: Type A, Type B (also known as the Baby Nambu) and Type 14. The Nam...
The Ka-Bar is the modern popular name for a combat knife first adopted by the United States Marine Corps in November 1942. Features: Correct hand position; 4K textures. Installation instructions inside the archive. ...
The Colt M45A1 CQBP (Close Quarters Combat Pistol) is the newest addition to the arsenal of the Marines (MARSOC Raiders, MEUSOC Marine Expeditionary Unit, Force Recon, SRT Special Reaction Teams...). Features: 4K textures; Correct placement ...
The 92FS has an oversized firing pin that fits into a slot on the underside of the slide. The main purpose is to prevent the bolt from flying off the frame to the rear if it cracks. This was done in response to reports of defective bolts during US m...
The MAS-36 is a short carbine style rifle with a two-piece stock and receiver. The rifle is chambered for the modern non-jacketed French cartridge 7.5×54 mm, a shortened version 7.5×57 mm MAS mod. 1924, which was introduced in 1924 (then modified in...
The Karabiner 98 kurz, often abbreviated to Karabiner 98k, Kar98k or K98k, is a rifle chambered in 7.92x57mm Mauser. Features: Fully animated; 2K textures. Installation instructions inside the archive. ...
Tellermine 42 (T.Mi.42) was a German metal-cased anti-tank high-explosive mine used during World War II. The mine was a development of the Tellermine 35 with improved blast resistance. Features: Greater explosion effect for increased realism; ...