Scripts for GTA 5 - 1131 files
Object Spawn Unlocker 1.1
Object Spawn Unlocker for GTA 5 is a mod that allows you to spawn objects that are not usually available for use in other editors. Required for some mods to work.
Use Map Editor GTA 5 to expand the usual possibilities.
Use Map Editor GTA 5 to expand the usual possibilities.
No Water + Tsunami Mod
No Water Mod - Now you can fully explore the bottom of the sea. Watch a UFO in the atmosphere you want. The mod will completely dry up the oceans and seas. Feel like a researcher, see the most mysterious and unusual places. Tsunami Mod - unexpectedl...
No Wanted Music
O: - After installing the file, you will no longer hear music during a police search. Installation: - Download and install ScriptHookVDotNet - Create a "scripts" folder in the game folder - Place the NoWantedMusic.dll file in the "scripts" folder...
No Remove Last 32 Vehicles of Player (version 0.1)
In the original game, only the last used vehicle does not disappear, and this mod makes it so that any transport used and abandoned by the player does not disappear, but remains in its place, even if the player leaves for the other end of the map. Li...
No More Shortcuts 2.1.3
The script allows you to create shortcuts on your phone for your mods. That is, any mod, having registered it, can be launched using the phone. The shortcut binds certain key combinations to launch a particular mod and presses them for you.
No More Money Pickups [.NET] 1.2
This mod turns the money that falls from a corpse into a full-fledged object that needs to be picked up using the "E" key. With this script, the game becomes even more realistic. Have a good game. ...
No More Money Pickups [.NET] 1.0
This script makes the game a little more realistic. Now, after the death of people, money does not fall out of them in some magical way. Instead, you need to manually take the money from the dead body by pressing E. INI settings: AllowPickup: If ...
No Flying Music
O: - After installing the file, you will no longer hear music while using air transport. Installation: - Download and install ScriptHookVDotNet - Create a "scripts" folder in the game folder - Place the NoFlyingMusic.dll file in the "scripts" folder...
No Boundary Limits 1.4.1
No Boundary Limits 1.4.1 1.4.1 Fixed an issue that caused some patients to teleport back to land when entering water The script is necessary for the Grand Theft Space mod to work correctly. It allows you to go beyond the map. ...
No Animals v0.9
Description: The script disables / removes all animals in the game. To activate / deactivate, press the key - F11. Installation: 1. Install Script Hook V. 2. Copy the contents of the archive to the folder with the installed game. ...