Scripts for GTA 5 - 1131 files
Jumper 1.4.8 (+1.3)
Would you like to feel like the Nightcrawler from the X-Men, or the Teleporter from the movie of the same name? Now you have such an opportunity in GTA 5! With this mod, you can teleport to any visible point wi...
Just Cause 3 Booster Explosives 1.0
The script adds special booster bombs from Just Cause 3 to GTA V! You can see all the possibilities for using this type of bombs on the video. The maximum number of booster charges that can be placed at the same time is 5. Installation: Place "JC...
Just Cause 3 script mod - Grappling hook
File uploaded by:
28 December 2020
File size:
977.45 Kb
This mod adds various features from the Just Cause series to GTA V. Such as grappling hook, flying with a wingsuit or parachute, and using C4. General JulioNIB mod installation guide:
Killing Spray Mod [.NET] 2.0
The mod adds a kill counter with inspired sayings when stuffing a certain number of victims. You will need: - ScriptHookV; - Community Script Hook V .NET; - Visual C++ Redistributable Packages; - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2. Installation: - Move...
Knight Rider: K.I.T.T.
The modification will equip the "Vapid Dominator" with all the gadgets that the car with artificial intelligence "K.I.T.T." was equipped with. from the science fiction television series Knight Rider. Controls: Outside car: - "Numpad +" summon K.I.T....
Knight Rider: K.I.T.T [.NET] 2.6.1
Knight Rider: K.I.T.T. for GTA 5 - adds a new best friend for the main character in the form of a knight of the roads, who follows you and can do a bunch of other things... Features: - Attack. - Shoot missiles. - Accelerate. - Equip armor. ...
Knight Rider: K.I.T.T [.NET] 3.5
Knight Rider: K.I.T.T - this mod adds a road knight to GTA 5 who will follow the main characters and help. KEY FEATURES MOD - Attack - Shooting missiles - Rapid acceleration - Armor ...
Knight Rider: K.I.T.T 3.0.3
Knight Rider: K.I.T.T - this mod adds a road knight to GTA 5 who will follow the main characters and help. KEY FEATURES MOD - Attack - Shooting missiles - Rapid acceleration - Armor ...
The author of dozens of modifications jedijosh920 again continues to change the game mechanics of GTA 5. His new Knockout mod makes the fights in the game more realistic. Now your opponents will not bleed and die from a couple of good blows. Instead,...
Lamar Gunner
File uploaded by:
1 May 2015
File size:
2.13 Mb
By installing this script, you can easily use the installed machine gun in a pickup truck, helicopter or military vehicle. Controls: Ctrl+I - open menu Page Up/8 - up Page Down/2 - down Е - operation mode switching (manual, automatic) ...