Scripts for GTA 5 - 1131 files
Growing hair and beard 1.0
Dynamic Hair Growth 1.0 With this mod, your character's hair and beard will start to grow over time. just like in RDR 2! Installation: Upload files from the archive to the scripts folder...
Extended Weapon Wheel (snacks and armor as in GTA Online)
You can now eat snacks and put on armor using the Weapon Wheel, just like in GTA Online: The Criminal Enterprises. Snacks and armor can be found in the houses of the characters (you can see the location in the screenshots). You can only take one bo...
Realistic fights / GTA V Realistic Brawling 1.6+
Features: - Decreased Damage for Animals - Decreased Damage for Melee Weapons - Decreased Damage for Kicks and Stomps - Decreased Damage for Knockout Punches - Increased Damage for Counter Attacks - Beat Pedestrians without killing them too ea...
Realistic driving dynamics
True Realistic Driving V (Realistic Mass, Handling) V5.5 for GTA 5. Modification whose main purpose is to simulate the realistic dynamics of driving a car. Features and capabilities of the mod: The mass of the car does not affect its physics, this...
Реалистичное вождение Realistic Driving V v2.5 для GTA 5! Полностью поддерживаемые версии GTA V: 1.36, 1.38, 1.39, 1.41, 1.43 Совместимо с версиями вверх: 1.44, 1.45, 1.4...
Realistic brawls / GTA V Realistic Brawling 1.7+
Features: - Decreased Damage for Animals - Decreased Damage for Melee Weapons - Decreased Damage for Kicks and Stomps - Decreased Damage for Knockout Punches - Increased Damage for Counter Attacks - Beat Pedestrians without killing them too ea...
Realistic Crime and Police / Crime and Police Rebalance & Enhancement
In GTA 5, the developers have done a lot of new things, but the police have remained the same unrealistic. For example, you kill a person quietly when there is no one else around, and the police still find out about it. This mod changes these shortco...
Realistic Parkour !/Real Parkour [LUA] 1.1
Mod adds parkour to the game! Now there will be no obstacles for you Real Parkour !/Real Parkour [LUA] 1.1 Controls: "G" - jump "H" - Jump option "J"- Land How to install: 1. You must have the LUA plugin installed, you can download it here http...
Real Police Offices [.NET] 1.7
This is a script that simulates Police Offense System. Featuring: - Numerous new locations for parked police vehicles in the city and highway. - They are monitoring your speed, if you drive over the speed limits near Police officers they will fi...
Editing characteristics
Player Stats Editor 1.3 for GTA 5! With this script, you can maximize or edit one by one all the characteristics of the player's abilities (special abilities, stamina, strength, etc.). Note: For some reason, the character wheel stat bars are still f...