Scripts for GTA 5 - 1128 script mods
Real Rain 1.0
File uploaded by:
16 February 2017
File size:
12.54 Mb
This modification adds real rain for GTA 5.
Custom Camera V 0.9.4
Custom Camera V. This mod changes the camera settings while driving, allowing you to better feel the car with an aggressive driving style. Allows you to feel the real speed of the car, which will help you enter the skid correctly. Changes in version...
This mod makes time in GTA V the same as in the popular game Super Hot. That is, time will only pass when you move, with the exception of aiming. If the hero stands, then time will be stopped. With this mod it is very interesting to fight against a ...
Wolverine V [.NET] 1.0 [BETA]
The mod adds Wolverine's abilities to the game! Features: - Regeneration - Great power - High jumps - High running speed To release claws, use CapsLock. The following Wolverine models work: Wolverine: X-Men Origins Pac...
Another Ragdoll Mod
This script allows you to turn your character into a ragdoll state.
Activate mod - Oh
The author is going to make an INI - settings file with basic configurations.
Activate mod - Oh
The author is going to make an INI - settings file with basic configurations.
Manual Transmission & Steering Wheel Support v4.3.0
The mod adds a manual gearbox to the game. Thus, you will be able to choose the gear while driving. Controls: Upshift: NumPad 9 Downshift: NumPad 7 Clutch: NumPad 8 Engine: NumPad 5 You can configure the mod's controls in the Gears.ini file, which...
Disable Reticle [.NET] 1.0
This mod allows you to turn off crosshairs for firearms. It becomes more difficult to play, and therefore more interesting. Have a good game ...
Jumper 1.4.5
Would you like to feel like Nightcrawler from the X-Men or a teleporter from the movie of the same name? Now you have such an opportunity in GTA 5! With this mod you can teleport to any visible point! With a beautiful black smoke effect! Controls: F1...
Hangars in SP 1.1
A mod that adds a hangar to GTA 5's single player mode! Features: - All 5 hangars from online; - Up to 12 vehicles in each; - Fully customizable interior view of the hangar; Throw all the files from the archive into the...
Haulage Missions 1.2.1
Now you can deliver various goods throughout San Andreas. Simply enter any of the following truck cabs (Hauler, Packer, Phantom, Army Truck, Dock Tug) and select your preferred load. For every consecutive undamaged shipment you deliver, you will rec...
Scripts for GTA 5: script mods that discovers a lot of new possibilities, unlike the simple texture changing