Scripts for GTA 5 - 1131 files
Batman Script Mod V1.0
Batman Script Mod V1.0 A scripted mod that will add Batman's capabilities. Features: - Batarangi; - Hand-to-hand combat with some custom animations from TheFuumaSage; - Calling special equipment (BatVehicles); - Special equipment with weapons;...
Vehicle Controller 1.0.1
The Vehicle Controller allows you to control your car by opening trunks, turn on turn signals, emergency lights, control the engine, etc. Controls: "J" = left turn signal; "K" = emergency gang; "L" = right turn signal; "CTRL" + "J" = open the hood...
Medical Centers [.NET] 1.0 - running hospital
This script allows you to use the in-game hospitals by going through doors and paying $50 for treatment. There are 6 hospitals available, all marked on the map. Note. If the player does not have $50, you will still be treated, but you will remain...
MapMenu + MiniMapButton 3.0
Description: With this script, you can: enable / disable the minimap, change the minimap zoom, change the map to the one used in GTA Online. Setting Mini_Map_Button: Throw files in GTAV / Scripts. To activate the menu you need to press L....
The Lifeinvader Heist 1.1
This little script will open up a new mission in GTA 5 for you - a raid on the office of the Lifeinvader social network. The task can be obtained at Lester's house. You will need the Open All Interiors mod for this mod to work. Controls: Press F9...
Ejection Seat [.NET] v0.1
This mod allows you to press "Enter" in topless vehicles such as motorcycles, quadbikes, convertibles, and even some planes to eject from them. You will be launched very high into the air, where you can press "E" to blow up your car beneath you. With...
Blinker [ASI] 5.1
The script allows you to control all the light indicators in the car, be it turn signals, hazard lights, strobe lights... ...
Default Radio Station 1.1
File uploaded by:
29 April 2015
File size:
77.21 Kb
Set a default radio station that will automatically be switched to when you enter a vehicle. Note: The "No radio" channel does currently not work. How to install: Instructions on how to install the mod are included in 'readme.txt'. Features: ...
GrabScript V 1.1
GrabScript V - will allow you to ride clinging to someone else's car. Weird, but quite a fun modification. Controls: ● J - grab the nearest car; ● K - the nearest ped, grabs your car. Required: ● Script Hook V ; ● ScriptHookV ....
Realistic driving dynamics
True Realistic Driving V (Realistic Mass, Handling) V5.5 for GTA 5. Modification whose main purpose is to simulate the realistic dynamics of driving a car. Features and capabilities of the mod: The mass of the car does not affect its physics, this...