Scripts for GTA 5 - 1131 files
Working Skylift Magnet
Working Skylift Magnet - this mod allows you to make the magnet on the Skylift helicopter working again. You can magnetize cars, motorcycles and trains. ...
Mission Creator 0.4.1
Mission Creator - want to create your own missions in GTA 5? Now you have such an opportunity, this mod allows you to create various missions and share them with other players. Known Issues: The game may crash randomly, this problem is being solved ...
Working Burger Shot 1.1
The mod adds a fast food restaurant "Burger Shot" from GTA 4, where you can buy food and eat or just rob. Required: Script Hook V .NET Script Hook Installation: Place the WorkingBurgerShot.dll file in the scripts folder....
Carpet Bomber 1.2.4
Carpet Bomber for GTA 5 - this script adds the ability to bombard ground targets in GTA 5 aircraft. The bomb bay is currently available on air vehicles such as Cuban and Lazer. HOW TO USE Change the view by pressing the V button. Press "space" to dr...
Dismemberment 1.0
This mod will allow you to dismember characters like in GTA SA, exploding their heads. Required: Script Hook V .NET Script Hook Installation: Move Dismemberment.dll to the scripts folder. ...
Enemy Waves (Warzone) v1.2.0
Active enemies hordes (warzone) 1.1.1 for GTA 5! With this mod you can activate military operations! Changes in version 1.2.0: - Now works with any GG model. - Improved performance. Features: - Air, sea and land battles - 10 wave levels - Cust...
Beta Mission Passed themes - Mission completion window
This little mod makes the window for completing the mission, as it was in the beta version of GTA 5. This window is unique for each character. ...
Work as a tow truck
Towtruck Mod 1.3 for GTA 5. Mod adds to the game the work of a tow truck. Using the mod: - Go to the Sandy Shores airport or to the garage in Strawberry, a mechanic is waiting for you at the gas station. - Go to the mechanic to get started. - To re...
Simple Healthbar
Simple Healthbar - this mod will show you above the character's head his health and armor scale, at the moment when you aim at him. HOW TO USE: Above the head of any ped you aim at, a scale with health and armor appears. ...
Stacker work
Forklift Mod 1.0 for GTA 5. The mod adds a stacker to the game. Features and capabilities of the mod: - Go to the port of Los Santos, there will be a worker. - Approach it to get started. - To resume the mission, drive out of the garage until the ...