Scripts for GTA 5 - 1131 files
Adding traffic cameras and patrols
TrafficControl 3.1b for GTA 5. The script mod adds traffic cameras at some traffic lights, as well as a few traffic patrols at any locations you set. If you drive too fast, ignore a red traffic light, go against traffic, drive on the sidewalk - the ...
TurboSystemV (Ultra Nitro) 1.5.2a
Scripting MOD adds machines powerful Nitro-acceleration with sound and Visual effects as in NFS: Hot Pursuit 2 Office: the "t" key (you can change in the ini file) V1.5.2a (June 10, 2015) IMPORTANT: Gamepad is still not functional HOTFIX: Fixed a b...
Christmas in Singleplayer (Snow Mod) 1.01
This script modification will bring snow to GTA 5's single player mode! Works both on a license and on a pirate! Don't forget to enable asi loader!...
Pacific Standard bank robbery
The Pacific Standard Heist 1.3 for GTA 5! This mod allows you to rob The Pacific Standard Public Deposit Bank. Just enter the front doors and press "E" or the right D-Pad ...
Police Mod
This is a compact scripted an alternative to well-known mods like: "LCPDFR" or " SAPD:FR ", which allows players to: change their appearance, turning into an American law enforcement officer, get a partner, choose a police car/helicopter, use speci...
DLC/Add-On Vehicles Spawn on Traffic 1.4
Script modification that fixes the appearance of DLC and added vehicles in street traffic. Installation: Make sure you have Script Hook V and ScriptHookV.NET installed; Copy the mod files to the "scripts" folder where your game is installed. What's...
Autopilot/VAutodrive V4.0.1 (Working)
Autopilot 4.0.1 1. Copy the files "VCommonFunctions.dll", "" to the root of the game in the "scripts" folder, if not, create it. 2. Copy "ModSettings" folder from "GTAV" to My Documents, namely "Disk:UsersUsernameDocumentsRockstar ...
Plate Thief v0.4 (Remove numbers from a car)
A mod that allows you to remove numbers from various cars and attach them to other cars. Installation: Copy the files from the archive to the root of the game folder Controls: H - Remove the plates from the car Shift + H - Attach numbers to the car...
Fuel Script V Mod 0.5
The first fuel mod for GTA V! This is another step towards realism. Features: • Fuel level is displayed next to the minimap • Engine stops if you run out of fuel • To replenish fuel, stop the car near the gas station and press the horn • You can al...
Single Player Apartment 1.9.2
A modification that will transfer apartments from GTA Online to single-player mode. Both mid-sized and luxury spaces are available. Here you can save the game, go online, or see what your neighbors are doing through a telescope. Installation: ...