Changes in version 3.0: - The instrument panel is working; - Improved some textures; - Add-on version; - Improved reflections in the mirrors; - New interior; - New model of the motor; - Opening the headlights by joystick on the gamepad.
Changes in version 2.0: - Added support for skins; - Added mud mapping; - Improved all the textures; - The quality of the interior is improved; - Fixed position of the player; - The instrument panel is working; - New glass textures; - The windows are broken; - Adjusted reflections; - Wheels do not disappear; - Added animation for doors; - Fixed a damage model; - Improved mapping of all textures.
Features of the model: - The model supports the basic functions of the game; - High-quality 3D model; - The worked out salon; - Adjusted optics; - Its a shadow.