Alternative Weapons (Guitars, Katana + More) 1.9
Alternative Weapons for GTA 5 - we add a bunch of new melee weapons to the game - clubs, guitars, katanas and more.
Bouquet of roses
Rambo Knife
Defiler (Dead Rising)
Steel Mace (Oblivion)
Gibson Flying V
Road sign
Hammer of Shao Kahn (Mortal Kombat)
Toilet brush
Tomahawk (Dead Rising 2)
Sword (Skyrim)
Morningstar (The Last Remnant)
Baseball Bat (Saints Row The Third)
Stun Rod (Resident Evil)
In version 1.9:
- Fixed shadows for all weapons.
- Added a sword from Saints Row IV.
- Added Captain America's shield.
- Added Gibson electric guitar.
Alternative Weapons для GTA 5 — добавляем в игру кучу нового оружия ближнего боя — дубинки, гитары, катаны и прочее.
Букет роз
Нож Рэмбо
Defiler (Dead Rising)
Steel Mace (Oblivion)
Gibson Flying V
Дорожный знак
Молот Шао-Кана (Mortal Kombat)
Туалетный ершик
Томагавк (Dead Rising 2)
Меч (Skyrim)
Morningstar (The Last Remnant)
Бейсбольная бита (Saints Row The Third)
Stun Rod (Resident Evil)
В версии 1.9:
— Исправлены тени для всего оружия.
— Добавлен меч из Saints Row IV.
— Добавлен щит Капитана Америка.
— Добавлена электрогитара Гибсон.
Recommended files

Colored Weapon Icons (WIP) 0.2

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Weapon Variety 0.9

Insane Overpowered Weapons Mod 2.0

Lamborghini Diablo GTR [Add-On | tuning | Template] 1.9

Realistic Sounds for Weapons And Explosions 3.2.1

PoliceMenu V 1.9 - Police Menu

Remove scope from weapon

Realistic weapon icons

Underwater Weapon Demonstration (Cut Content Restored)

Alternate Blood Pools 1.0

Drop your weapon

GTA V Weapon Editor

More Accurate Car Sounds 1.1