ScriptHookV .NET 0.1.0
ScriptHookV .NET is an ASI plugin, which allows running scripts written in any .NET language ingame.
Press the \"Insert\" key to reload scripts.
Please do not include ScriptHookVDotNet in the download of your script, link to this page or the forum post instead!
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (or higher)
- Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2013 (x64)
- Make sure you have all requirements installed (or loading will fail).
- Download and install Script Hook V (including the ASI loader).
- Download ScriptHookV .NET and copy the ASI into your game folder.
- Create (or download) a C#/VisualBasic code file (.cs, .vb) or compiled .NET assembly (.dll) inside a \"/scripts/\" subfolder in your game directory and start scripting!
Recommended files

Script Hook V .NET 0.2.0

Script Hook V .NET v1.0

Community Script Hook V .NET 2.9.5

Community Script Hook V .NET 2.10.2

Communities Script Hook B .NET 2.10.7

Limit Max. Wanted Level

Portal Gun v0.1.1

Speed Mod / Random Bomb On Bus 3.0

Arms Trading & Gang Wars [.NET] 1.2

Police Chase Random Event 1.1

NewHeists [.NET] v0.2.5

Animal Ark Shelter

Rappel From Maverick Helicopters

AccountInBank 1.0.9