Enable All Interiors
10 July 202318.2 (Fix Teleports not working) (current)enable-all-interiors_1689019609_887005.zip
Enable All Interiors or EAI, is a mod to enable All interiors in GTAV, this mod will be a full replacement for the following mods
Open All Interiors, Online Interiors
Open Command Center Interiors (Still needed if your using Working Avenger, Working MOC, Working Terobyte, or their Business Mod Conterpart)
Open 60 Car Garage
to Set an Interior to enabled or Disabled or to customize an interior you can either do it via ini, or open your ingame phone, and a handy menu will allow you to do it there, this mod also has the Ability to Enable MP maps on Game Load/ Mod Refresh, this function can be turned off via ingame menu
This mod also allows you to turn of the interior Blips and Markers, Customize Each Customizable interior, like Hanger, Arcade, Nightclub etc
As this is a WIP please know that some doors to a couple interiors will not open, and i am trying to make them open
- Drop Ifruitaddon2 (supplied in zip) into scripts
- Download and install Scripthookvdotnet3 — Please drop ALL files in Scripthookvdotnet's zip into root, make sure to set ReloadKey=Insert in Scripthookvdotnet.ini
- Download LemonUI and put in scripts folder
- Drop EnableAllInterior.dll & EnableAllInterior.ini into scripts
here is a list of all Interiors
(Y= Interior is Open, N = Interior does not load, DNO = Door Does not Open, Y/N? = No Idea )
1. LifeInvader offices — Y
2. Tequi-la-la — Y
3. Sandy Shores sheriff department — N
4. Paleto Bay sheriff department — N
5. Lazlow's stadium -- Y — DNO
6. Cluckin Bell factory- Y
7. Bahamas Mamas West nightclub- Y
8. Comedy club- N
9. The O'Neil farmhouse — Y
10. The "Humane Labs" — Y
11. FIB building bottom floors- N
12. FIB building floor 49- Y
13. FIB building burnt out floors 47 — 53- Y
14. Hospital — Y — DNO
15. Epsilon storage room — Y
16. Lester's sweatshop — Y
17. Jewellery store- Y
18. Building under construction beside jewellery store — N
19. Lester's house — Y
20. Franklin's aunt's house — Y
21. Janitor's apartment — Y
22. Foundry — Y
23. Recycling plant — Y
24. Meat packing facility — Y
25. Simeon's dealership — Y
26. Torture building — Y
27. Morgue — Y
28. Madrazo's ranch- Y
29. Floyd's house — Y
30. Devin Weston's chop shop — Y
31. Omega's lab — Y DNO
32. Paleto Bay bank — Y
33. Union Depository- Y
34. Therapist's office — Y
35. Motel room — Y
36. High-end GTA Online apartment — N
37. Mid-end GTA Online apartment — N
38. Low-end GTA Online house — N
39. DLC High-end GTA Online apartment — N
40. Yacht from GTA Online heists — Y
41. Aircraft Carrier — Y
42. IAA building office — Y
43. Cinema — N
44. Solomon's office — Y
45. Chumash beach house — Y
46. Benny's Garage — N
47. GTA Online Penthouse — N
48. GTA Online Stilt House 1- N
49. GTA Online Stilt House 2 — N
50. High-end GTA Online garage — Y
51. Mid-end GTA Online garage — Y
52. Low-end GTA Online garage — Y
53. Police mugshot chamber -Y
55. Small warehouse — Y
56. Medium warehouse — Y
57. Large warehouse — Y
58. The Lost MC clubhouse — Y
59. One-storey clubhouse — Y
60. Two-storey clubhouse — Y
61. Meth lab — Y
62. Counterfeit money factory- Y
63. Cocaine lab — Y
64. Weed growhouse — Y
65. Document forgery office — Y
66. Bunker — Y
67. Facility — Y
68. Hanger — Y
69. Missile Silo — Y
70. Submarine — Y
71. Nightclub Garage — Y
72. Moc — Y
73. Avenger — Y
74. Terrobyte — Y
75. North Yankton — Y
76. Arcadius Tower — Y
77. MazeBank Tower — Y
78. Lombok Tower — Y
79. MazeBank West Tower — Y
80. Executive Mod Shop — Y
81. Executive Garages — Y
82. Nightclub — Y
83. Arena — Y
84. Arena Workshop — Y
85. Arena Vip — Y
86. Casino — Y
87. Casino Garage — Y
88. Casino Parking — Y
89. Casino Penthouse — Y
90. Casino Heist Arcade — Y
91. Casino Heist Loading Bay — Y
92. Casino Heist Hotel — Y
93. Casino Heist Tunnel — Y
94. Casino Heist Vault — Y
95. Arena Garage — Y
96. Server Farm — Y
97. IAA Facility — Y
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