This mod improves various aspects of hand-to-hand combat in GTA 5. It adds many moves and actions such as blocking, fighting on the ground, crowds, cheering and more.
Mod features: - NPC behavior is overwritten - when they see a fight and are interested they will clap to discuss the fight. - You can now use melee weapons or legs to smash the opponent's head; - When the enemy is on the ground and you repeatedly kick him, he will try to protect his head and enter a defensive position; - As in GTA IV, you cannot hold the dodge button, you must perform your tricks in time; - Added many different counter attacks and moves, such as taking down weapons in melee; - Different animation for both players and character; - You can fight opponents with low health using fists or a knife;
Installation: 1. Install the Script Hook V mod; 2. Install asi plugin Script Hook V .NET; 3. Copy the files from the archive with the mod to the "Scripts" folder, which is located in the folder with the installed game.