Oh yes, I also make mods for GTA IV! Imagine! One day I saw Mercedes-Maybach G650 Landaulet and remembered that GTA 5 has Dubsta. Posted by Thundersmacker , took his Dubsta 6x6 envelope, took the interior from Schafter, monitors from Stretch, mo...
2015 Dodge Charger PPV LCPD for GTA 4. There is an adaptation for ELS. Original model, police modification and envelope: IronicRainbow Wheels: GerryStudio, IronicRainbow, & Bxborgs123 Polygon filling: The Hurk Adaptation to ELS and lightbar: Bozza...
2011 Ford Crown Vicrtoria CVPI LCPD for GTA 4. Authors: Model: Driver SF (Ubisoft) Envelope: F5544 Wheels: Bxbugs123, Trewq34 Steering wheel: EVI Grid: GeorgieMoon Interior Parts: IronicRainbow Seats: Schaefft Adaptation to ELS and lightbar: Bozza,...
Features: - The model supports the basic functions of the game; - Detailed 3D model; - Well-designed salon; - Your own shadow; - Correct operation of optics, functioning stroboscopes (ELS is required); - Customized collision; - Customized Handling; ...
Model features: -High-quality low-poly model; - The model supports all the functions of the game; - The driver and passengers sit in their seats; - There are extras.