Centered car camera v1.2.1
A scripted modification, the functionality of which is to center the game camera like in GTA V. This feature is especially helpful when driving a car, since interaction with the mouse (to rotate the camera) is almost completely eliminated.
Changes in v.1.2.1:
- Fixed a bug related to turning off the camera during acceleration, for the Xbox controller;
- Fixed bug with rotation around the horizontal axis;
- Fixed a bug with shooting while driving;
- Improved "sticking" of the camera around the vertical axis for greater fluidity.
- Enabled: shows whether the script is currently running or not;
- Fixed rotation: determines whether the camera will follow the car during rotation;
- Use old method (car shake): determines if the old method of camera shake will be used;
- Coef XY: the higher the value, the less the camera rotation and vice versa;
- Coef Z: Same as Coef XY, but for the applicate (Z) axis;
- offsets: Use with caution.
1) Open OpenIV, click on "Package Installer" and select the oiv file;
2) You will see a window for selecting the version of the game, click on the version for which you are going to install the modification;
3) Now you will be prompted to select the components to install. In most cases, this window contains only one option, that is, the modification itself. The remaining options are usually additional files that are needed for the modification to work correctly. (Scripthook and ASI script loader for different versions)
Install additional files only if you do not have them;
4) Some modifications will require .Net Scripthook to be installed. To make sure the .Net Scripthook is working properly in game, press the tilde (~) key. When you hit the tilde, a black box should appear with various green text. This is the .Net Scripthook console.
fast and easy
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