Free Camera
This script adds the ability to enable a free camera.
- Change FOV angle
- Bank angle change
- Adjustment of movement speed, FOV and roll
- Simulated pause
- Shooting a bullet from the center of the camera
- Gamepad support
- Ability to change keyboard and gamepad button bindings in .ini file
To activate a free camera, you must press the keyB.
In the all the key bindings and buttons that you can change for yourself.
Right mouse buttontoggles the camera rotation mode for the mouse. If enabled, the camera rotates only when holdingLeft mouse button.
Throw the contents of the archive into the folder with the game. In addition to the script itself, the archive also contains ASI Loader, ScriptHook and ScriptHookDotNet.
Requires .NET Framework 4.7.2 and above.
Tip:reloadscripts. Changes will be applied during the game.
The script was made on version
Thank you Claude Speed for help in testing the script.
fast and easy
1634456576_freecamera.zipDownload (0.50 MB)Password: libertycity