Now CJ is in GTA III. It's very cool to run around the city as a pumped-up black man and create chaos (but not complete missions). Replace player.dff and player.txd files in GTA3.img using IMGtools Drop the player.bmp file into gtaiii/models/generi...
Description: Mod replaces Claude with Tommy Vercetti from GTA vice city Installation: 1. Unpack (with file replacement) the models folder into the game folder 2. Using the IMG Tool program, replace the "gta3.img" file (it is located in the Models f...
Skin Bender from Futurama. I made some changes to Bender: - Big feet - Bent legs - The hip moves up - Bender doesn't sit that deep in cars anymore, but he still looks a bit on the bottom of them, I can't fix that.
Description: The mod replaces the skin of the main player of GTA 3 with this one. Because the model has been changed, the old skins will not fit. Textures from GTA SA may be suitable for creating your own skin. Installation: Replace PLAYER.dff file ...
HD Claude for GTA III, this is not a skin, but a real HD Claude. Install using the IMG Tool, then delete all skins from the skins folder and delete the player file from the generic folder (gta III/models/generic).