Mods for GTA 3 - 799 files
Map in the game menu
Finally a mod that adds a map to the pause menu in GTA 3!
Ability to move, zoom and mark a destination.
Installation: transfer "MenuMapIII.asi" to the root folder of the game.
Archive password: MenuMapGTA3
Zolika1351's III Trainer/Mod Menu
File uploaded by:
12 December 2019
File size:
236.62 Kb
Multifunctional Native Trainer from Zolika1351. It has a huge number of different settings and functions. Some functions: Immortality; Disabling search; Launch any mission; Auto repair; Teleport; Car spawning; Car preservation; C...
The First Person View for III
GTA 3 is a great game, and as everyone knows, the developers planned to add a first-person view in the PC version of the game, but something didn't work out. And it's very sad, because for about 20 years, few people have tried independently and fu...
Vehicle Camera Movement v1.4 for GTA 3 or VC
Description: This script allows you to freely control the camera while driving a car or flying a helicopter (GTA VC). Free camera is activated when the player is in the car. The script works on both GTA 3 and GTA Vice City. Installation: Copy "[III...
Classic AXIS 1.6
This modification improves the gameplay by adding improved camera movement in GTA 3. Features: Ability to move the camera. The ability to allow the player to move in 4 directions. Ability to move the camera in the car. Ability to change ...
Improved weapon purchase
In Ammunition, additional weapons and a purchase in the style of Vice City will appear. Weapons that are not available for purchase in the original are also temporarily unavailable. Weaknesses: If using "save anywhere" DO NOT save in the store. ...
Skin and Bones v3.0 (+v2.0)
The Hero, Fire_Head
File uploaded by:
31 January 2018
File size:
5.84 Mb
Finally, you can use Xbox skins on PC! This is the third version of the mod and many bugs and shortcomings of previous versions have been fixed. Such as crashes, animation curves and collision. The archive also contains converted Xbox characters (...
ENBseries Setting by NeTw0rK 1.0
Realistic reflections, bloom, motion blur blend perfectly with the atmosphere of GTA 3. There are also new explosions, new weather, fire, smoke, water, ammo and more! (hud.txd (HD) particle.txd (HD) timecyc.dat particle.cfg) Screenshots: ...
HD HUD Interface
File uploaded by:
10 June 2019
File size:
1.46 Mb
High quality HUD interface Features: -Original font in two variations with support for the Russian version -weapon and radar icons -radar ring - in multiplayer the pager supports Cyrillic Update: -more original and high quality sniper sco...
III Passengers
Everyone knows that in GTA 3 there is no way to see drivers with passengers, but this ASI script makes it possible! Tested on version 1.1. Author: Fire_Head. There is one bug: some passengers can be clones of the driver! Installation: drop the fi...