Geometry fix for the Staunton Island hideout
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12.45 Mb
Total downloads: 913
Unique downloads: 484
Цезарь Виальпандо


Алёна Суркова







Asuka Kasen
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22 November 20221637367700_fix-geometry-safe-house-staunton-island.rar
This mod fixes the geometry problem in the shelter on Staunton Island where there was a problem with Shadows (Pictures have lost colors and are highly compressed due to the size limitation on the site)
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GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

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68 kB
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GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

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GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

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GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

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GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

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GTA 3: The Definitive Edition

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28 kB
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