Sawn-off Shotgun by Xinerki
Xinerki, Just_A_Modder
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Total downloads: 119
Unique downloads: 111
30 January
Xinerki's Sawn-off Shotgun mod for GTA3 converted to mobile by me. Xinerki has given me full permission to Convert and Upload this mod.
- 2 Shells in a fast firing succession;
- Correct reloading animation;
- Nicely made textures and models;
- A fine modification to any playthrough (just be careful of Saint Mark's as the mafia can kill you even faster now)
Recommended files
3 August 2017
GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

Nice pack by Arturo Carmona
Title: Nice pack by Arturo Carmona. Author: Arturo Carmona. Installation: unzip the archive to sdcard0/android/data. Description: 1) New sky. 2) New cars, about 12 pieces. 3) New roads, water. 4) Skin. 5) Trees, bushes. 6) HD weapons. 7) New reflecti...
12 March 2019
GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

GTA III Starter Save By Bunik
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12 December 2022
GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

Polyphonic Dubbing (Voiceover) by WuzVoice - Story and Radio
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5 January 2024
GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

"title":"Dodo Cornfield with normal wings"
Dodo Cornfield with normal wings from BURAVCHIK. Now the Dodo cornfield has normal wings. Replaces Dodo. Pros: No critical bugs; Does not load the mobile device; Good quality model. Installation: Unzip the zip archive; Open gt...

62 kB
9 November 2013
GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

Vladivostok FM for Gta 3 android
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4 May 2017
GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

JCheater: GTA III Edition
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8 August 2021
GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

100% Savegame Criminal Rank Boss Best 2021
Done list for 100% V1 2021-08-04 - Criminal Authority 1530399744 - Statistics have been improved by reaching the extreme figure of 1,000,000,000: - There are two game saves, in one of which $ 1,000,000,000, and in the other, Claude is a debtor wi...
60 kB
22 September 2021
GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

100% Saving + Unique Vehicle
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22 October 2021
GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

Tsunami GTA3 for Mobile Now it will become more difficult to move by the state, because the tsunami has passed and the water has left the banks. Be careful, Claude cannot swim.

22 November 2021
GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

Updated ammo capacity
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14 April 2022
GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

Ultimate III APK
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9 June 2022
GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

Squat animation
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2 August 2022
GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

Saving before and after the mission "Last Request"
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49 kB
28 February 2023
GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

Original game files
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GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

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