Completed game (28%)
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39.34 Kb
Total downloads: 288
Unique downloads: 259
27 July
In this save, only the main storyline has been completed.
Copy the file GTA3sf1.b along the path /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rockstar.gta3/files/GTA3
Have a good game!
The file name and description have been translated. Show original
(RU)Show translation
Пройденная игра (28%)
В данном сохранении пройдена только основная сюжетная линия.
Скопировать файл GTA3sf1.b по пути /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rockstar.gta3/files/GTA3
Приятной игры!
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The author answered the following questions upon publication. By downloading the file, you agree to abide by these rules.
Is it allowed to reupload the file to other websites / platforms / services?
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Under no circumstances
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Only after receiving the author's permission
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Under no circumstances
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Only after receiving the author's permission
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GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

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GTA 3 (iOS, Android)

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