Advanced Trainer (Bully Anniversary Edition)
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978.84 Kb
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Files with known extensions that were found in the archive.
advt_script_example.lua, scripts.dir, scripts.img, system/img
Total downloads: 3253
Unique downloads: 2568
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4 July 2022advanced-trainer-bullyae_1656951261_947191.7z
Advanced Trainer Mod for Bully: Anniversary Edition
Update 1.1 — 17/05/2022
If you have the initial release version of this mod, you must delete the TRAINER folder first before installing.
1) Copy Scripts.img, Scripts.dir, and TRAINER folder
2) Go to "../Android/data/com.rockstargames.bully/files/BullyOrig/Scripts/" folder
2a) Do this if there is no 'BullyOrig' folder inside of the 'files' folder
— Create new folder and name it BullyOrig
— Open BullyOrig folder
2b) Do this if there is no 'Scripts' folder inside of the 'Bullyorig' folder
— Create new folder and name it Scripts
— Open Scripts folder
3) Paste them
3a) Replace your old Scripts.img and Scripts.dir if you already have one
3b) Make sure TRAINER folder is also there
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