Too much polygons on this GTA: The Trilogy nut, ghost bridge and steroids for CJ — greatest bugs and glitches

17 November 2021

Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy — The Definitive Edition became a meme fest too quick. This is a vivid illustration on how remasters shouldn't be done. But at least new versions of the good ol' classics is a constant provider for laughs. Let's check new bugs and glitches discovered by our readers and GTA fans.

Developers got carried away with polygon count and forgot how the nut looks like.

GTA 4: The Definitive Edition by Grove Street Games be like:

 Ghost bridge

 The burger became static

Art: Ryder and his magic hands.

 CJ using those illegal steroids

 This heli will make you puke

GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition. Arts by MikeWee.

 This should be the loading screens for The Definitive Edition

 Rockstar Games: then and now

CJ trains his Force on a trash bag.

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