TOP 15 GTA series heroes with untapped potential

The plot can be called one of the strengths of the Grand Theft Auto series. However, not all GTA heroes were fully developed. Many of them have no backstory or we don’t know what their future fate was. Our article is dedicated to such characters.
Joey Leone (GTA 3)
Joey is the son of Salvator Leone, the leader of one of the most powerful crime families in Liberty City. However, his father was dissatisfied with his behavior and often said that Toni Cipriani was more suitable for the role of the future head of the organization. Joey himself owns a car repair shop and is involved in theft and contract killings. We know that he collaborated with Claude and CJ. At the same time, it is not entirely clear why his father had contempt for him. There are many blank spots left in his biography.
In addition, Joey's fate after Salvatore's murder remains unclear. We don't even know who is the new Godfather of the Leone family, him or Tony.
Miguel (GTA 3, Liberty City Stories)
Miguel is a high-ranking member of the Colombian cartel who participated in the bank robbery along with Claude and Catalina. His fate was sad — his ambitious plans for the production of substances collapsed, and his closest allies betrayed him and handed him over to be torn to pieces by the yakuza. Ultimately, the guy was killed by his accomplice.
However, it would be interesting to know how a simple merchant became one of the main representatives of the Colombian organization in Liberty City. Surely he had to solve important problems and make difficult decisions, and the path up the career ladder was littered with the corpses of both strangers and his own.
Ray Machowski (GTA 3, Liberty City Stories)
At first glance, it may seem that Ray received a lot of attention. In addition, a corrupt cop who collaborates with the Yakuza is a standard type for games in the GTA series. However, in Liberty City Stories we learn that in 1998 he was an honest police officer and did not want to deal with crime. We were never told what had changed in those three years, or why the good guy decided to take money from the Japanese mafia.
Towards the end of GTA 3, Yakuza leaders Ahsoka and Kenji Kasen were killed. Machowski himself was discovered, but he managed to get to the airport and leave Liberty City. Ray's further fate remained unclear. It's unlikely that the SDGs left the man alone.
Mercedes Cortez (GTA: Vice City)
Colonel Cortez's only daughter was touted as a possible love interest for the protagonist. There were clear hints of this in the mission "The Party". However, later we saw Mercedes only a couple of times — we organized a meeting for her with members of the Love Fist group and invited her to shoot a film at the film studio.
Frankly speaking, this is not enough. The life of a beauty who has a craving for dangerous men is certainly filled with adventures that risk her life. And she is guaranteed to need the help of the main character, who could help her out of various troubles. We are sure that the passionate Frenchwoman will not remain in debt.
Fun fact: Mercedes was actually originally planned to be Tommy's girlfriend. But this idea was abandoned. Full-fledged dating mechanics appeared only in GTA: San Andreas.
Mitch Baker (GTA: Vice City)
The leader of a biker gang is portrayed as a cruel and unceremonious criminal. To gain his respect, he had to not only win a motorcycle race, but also organize a real bacchanal in the city. It would seem that we were in for a long collaboration, during which Mitch would reveal himself as a character. But no, everything was limited to searching for his bike and organizing security for the Love Fist concert.
A brutal and unceremonious leader who leads tough motorcyclists is an excellent basis for interesting stories with his participation. Unfortunately, the biker theme was poorly explored in Vice City.
Alex Shrub (GTA: Vice City)
The loser congressman is a great character because he involves a lot of funny situations. At the same time, it is interesting how a person who is bad at everything he undertakes could achieve success in politics. Alas, in Vice City everything was limited to blackmailing Alex with the help of Candy Sachs. And Shrub could make an interesting employer who tries to solve problems, but ends up getting into more trouble.
Pastor Richards (GTA: Vice City)
This preacher is collecting donations from parishioners, for which he planned to erect a statue of himself and purchase valuable real estate. It is known that Richards hates people who help others, has several wives, and also likes to use firearms with or without reason. Like Alex Shrub, Richards is obsessed with money and will cheat anyone to get an extra few dollars. It would seem that he is the ideal candidate for the role of a crazy employer for Tommy.
Initially, the developers actually planned to give him an important role in the plot of GTA: Vice City. But in the end it all came down to Cortez’s appearance at the party and dialogue on the VCPR radio station.
Avery Carrington (GTA: Vice City, Liberty City Stories)
This construction tycoon was buying houses in Vice City. Tommy Vercetti helped him drive down real estate prices by pitting gangs against each other and destroying buildings under construction with a helicopter loaded with explosives. If necessary, Avery was willing to physically eliminate those who stood in his way. It was for him that Donald Love from GTA 3 originally worked. In Liberty City Stories, on his orders, Toni Cipriani killed Carrington when he wanted to make a deal with representatives of the Colombian cartel.
In our opinion, this charismatic businessman with the habits of a cowboy deserves more. I would like to see his confrontation with competitors, connections with bandits and unexpected decisions that Avery made to successfully run his business. In addition, it is interesting what exactly Donald learned from him, and how he began to play his game.
Ralph Pendelbury (GTA: San Andreas)
Police officer who worked with Frank Tenpenny and Eddie Pulaski. However, a conflict arose between them, as a result of which Ralph was shot. The cops wanted to pin the murder on CJ, so he was forced to cooperate with them.
It turned out that the death of the policeman influenced the entire plot, but we never learned anything about his life. Why did he start having conflicts with Tenpenny, how did he end up in the Crash organization and whether he wanted it. Perhaps this is an honest cop who accidentally got into trouble.
Rochelle (GTA: San Andreas)
Singer Rochelle appeared on the cover and official art of GTA: San Andreas. However, we know little about the girl herself. Her relationship with Mad Dog and her rivalry with another performer who performed under the same pseudonym are mentioned.
In San Andreas, a lot of attention is paid to the careers of male rappers. However, I would like to know how things are with the girls who decided to connect their lives with music. Their relationships with producers and aggressive fans, performances in disreputable clubs, competition — all this could be revealed through the example of Rochelle. But she didn't even appear in person in the game itself.
Franco Forelli (GTA: Liberty City Stories)
The Forelli family bandits were shown solely as enemies of Tommy, CJ and Claude. Meanwhile, it would be interesting to know the internal structure of this organization. For example, by 1998, when the events of Liberty City Stories unfolded, it was led by Franco, brother of Mark and Sonny Forelli. We know that he influenced politics, in particular, he helped Miles O'Donovan become mayor of the city. As a return favor, he imprisoned Salvatore Leone. Toni Cipriani took revenge on Franco, but it is not known for sure whether he died or not.
The influence of the mafia on politics is an interesting topic that should have been explored better. And it would be interesting to see how the Forelli family gradually lost influence. Surely this is the result of mistakes and wrong decisions that were made by its leaders, including Franco.
Miles O'Donovan (GTA: Liberty City Stories)
Since we're on the topic of the connection between politics and crime, we could have paid more attention to the corrupt mayor. Miles owes his post to Forelli. However, this family weakened over time, so O'Donovan could act independently or support another criminal structure. And this man’s past is of interest. It was not for nothing that the bandits nominated him to the post of head of Liberty City.
Brian Forbes (GTA: Vice City Stories)
Brian tried to play a double game — selling substances and, at the same time, working for the Federal Reserve Bank. The Vance brothers did not figure out his true goals — they kidnapped Forbes and then killed him. This is where his story ended.
However, it remains unclear exactly how he built his business in Vice City. He probably had to build relationships with bandits, involve the feds in his work, and, if necessary, turn in accomplices and competitors.
Darko Brevich (GTA 4)
The same man who betrayed the Yugoslav “Detachment of Fifteen” for a thousand dollars. For a long time, Niko was obsessed with finding the man who killed his friends. At first, he believed that Florian Kravic was to blame for everything. But it soon became clear that the main traitor was Darko. Unfortunately, it all ultimately came down to the option of shooting him in the head or letting him go.
In our opinion, we were told too little about Brevich. Apart from the events of the distant past, we know nothing about him. Plus, it would be interesting to know what his future fate would be if Bellick saves the guy’s life.
Brad Snyder (GTA 5)
In the prologue of GTA 5, Brad robbed a bank with Michael and Trevor. During a shootout with the FIB, he was killed. The circumstances of his death became the reason for quarrels between the heroes of the game. Moreover, not all characters speak positively about Snyder. If Trevor admires him, Lester treats him with disdain.
Unfortunately, many points related to this character remain unclear. Obviously, we have before us a brutal criminal who was different from the other heroes of the game. The details of Brad's story are especially interesting in the context of Trevor and Michael's relationship when they were still friends. Perhaps the guy suspected that there was a rat in their gang and was planning to leave. In other words, Snyder's storyline could have been much better.
Perhaps we missed someone, and there are other characters in the GTA series with untapped potential. We are waiting for your comments about the heroes who should have been given more attention.
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