TOP 25 Little-Known Facts About GTA Games

The development of any famous game is associated with curious ideas, unexpected sources of inspiration and non-trivial ways of solving problems. Moreover, not all developments make it into the final version of the project. Our article is dedicated to such interesting, but little-known facts about the GTA series.
As sources of information, we used the games themselves and official websites for them. They were closed in 2020, after the end of support for Adobe Flash technology.
Grand Theft Auto 3
How to rob a thief
In GTA 3, you can meet pickpockets who rob passers-by and gang colleagues. If you want, you can force them to give you what they stole. To do this, approach the thief from the front and point a firearm at the guy. In this case, the thief will throw away all the money he has. It is important that you have the auto-aim mode. To do this, in the PC version of the game, you need to change the standard controls to classic.
What is fish made of at the Turtle Head Fishing Company factory
The Turtle Head Fishing Company factory uses a fish skeleton as a symbol. This hints at the origin of the product, because it is made from animal bones. And although people are outraged that such food is harmful and tasteless, the production of artificial fish is supported by Miles O'Donovan, the mayor of Liberty City.
Why Asuka Kasen became one of the leaders of the yakuza in Liberty City
Women are rare in the Japanese mafia. But Asuka was able to succeed and lead the yakuza division in the city. How did this happen? According to the police, other gangsters appreciated her abilities in the field of torture and obtaining the necessary information. These skills allowed the Japanese to seize a number of profitable businesses in Liberty City and gain a foothold in the metropolis. Even her brother Kasen plays a secondary role in the yakuza compared to Asuka. Let us recall that in the game itself, the girl tortured the Colombian Miguel to find out the necessary information about the cartel.
Claude was originally planned to speak in cutscenes
A design document for GTA 3 reveals that early in development, Claude was given lines to speak in each story mission. However, this idea was abandoned because the developers had little time and decided to focus on other aspects of the project. In addition, Rockstar management decided that it would be easier for players to identify with the silent protagonist.
GTA: Vice City
Statue in front of the Malibu club
The figure, which is installed in front of the entrance to the main club of the city, looks too bad even by the standards of 2002. It has fewer textures and details than random passers-by. It is curious that in the game files it is listed as a temporary object. Apparently, they forgot to replace the statue model with a better one, and it got into the final version of the game.
Ricardo Diaz's Charity Work
We remember Ricardo as an aggressive and unpredictable bandit who is dangerous for both his enemies and his allies. At the same time, he spent part of his money on charities in Vice City and cities in South America. There are rumors that this is just a cover for Diaz's other affairs, but formally we have a well-known philanthropist who helps people in need. Here you can see parallels between Ricardo and Pablo Escobar, a real crime boss from Colombia.
GTA: Vice City and Manhunt 2 take place nearby
The cities of Vice City and Kattenmouth, where the events of Manhunt 2 took place, are located close to each other. But this is indicated by the inscriptions on the license plates of the cars. The prototypes of these cities were Miami and New Orleans, respectively, which in reality are also located nearby.
There is a city of Miami in the GTA world
Although all parts of the series take place in fictional cities, real cities are also mentioned in the Grand Theft Auto universe. For example, in GTA 3 you can see posters advertising Miami resorts. In addition, it was to this city that the corrupt police officer Ray Machowski flew.
The fate of Tommy Vercetti after the end of Vice City
The fate of Tommy Vercetti after the end of Vice City
We know from Ken Rosenberg's phone conversation that Tommy is still alive 6 years after the end of GTA: Vice City. But how successful is he? Here we want to draw attention to two neon figures in Las Venturas. The first one looks like Avery Carrington, and the second one looks like Candy Sux. Both characters know Tommy well. The appearance of an adult film star from the Vice City film studio indicates that Vercetti is using her to promote his business in Las Venturas. Of course, this requires a lot of money. Accordingly, Tommy has them, and in the 90s he gradually expands his sphere of influence.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Reaction of passers-by and friends to CJ
This fact remains little known to those players who do not know English. The lines of passers-by depend on CJ's physique. They can call him a fat man for being overweight or admire the guy's muscles. In addition, some NPCs will comment on the main character's car, especially if he is driving a tuned sports car.
Moreover, comments about the hero's appearance can be heard from his friends. For example, if you play as the overweight CJ and fail the mission "Running Dog", Big Smoke will suggest that he go to the gym to lose weight. Such remarks sound especially ironic from this character.
Finger gestures
In real America, each gang has its own finger gesture that distinguishes it from others. Something similar is in San Andreas. Here, the groups use special hand gestures that are unlike the movements of their competitors.
Respect for girls
If you are walking with your girlfriend, and representatives of another gang start shooting at you, you should kiss your chosen one. After that, the opponents will lose interest in you. You can leave them or open fire and kill the gangsters without the risk of getting a bullet in return.
Several playable characters instead of one
Initially, it was planned that San Andreas would have several heroes at once for which you could play. However, it turned out to be impossible to implement this idea on PlayStation 2. We saw something similar 9 years later, in Grand Theft Auto 5.
About the Platypus ship
Niko Belik arrived in Liberty City on a merchant ship called Platypus. It is on it that the finale of the game unfolds, if the main character decides to take revenge on Dmitry Rascalov. Diamonds, which play an important role in the plot of GTA 4 and Episodes from Liberty City, arrived in the city on the same ship. And in the multiplayer mode of Bomb Da Base 2, it is proposed to blow up the Platypus ship with explosives.
Nobody drives the trains in Liberty City
This is a flaw on Rockstar's part, but we decided to draw attention to it. All trains that you encounter in the city have a small driver's cabin. Its windows are tinted, so you won't be able to see who's sitting in it in the usual way. However, if you use the mode that allows you to walk through walls, you'll find out that there is a chair and control levers in the cabin, but there is no person who should drive the train. There is a driver model in the game files, but it is not used in any way.
Police and FIB agents carry several types of weapons
If you shoot a police officer in the hand, he will drop his pistol, but he will not be confused and will take out a second one from his holster. With FIB agents, it is even more interesting. If you manage to knock the rifle out of their hands, they will switch to shotguns or UZIs, and then to regular pistols. When the man has no weapons left, he will pretend to be wounded and try to run away.
$69 Bills
$69 bills can be found in bars and strip clubs. Some of them feature Rochelle, a singer from Los Santos who is featured on the cover of GTA: San Andreas. Her album Legs can be found in Liberty City next to DVD players. Note that the number 69 is clearly a reference to a popular sex position and is often used in the GTA series.
Keys to the City
The first hundred people who completed 100 percent of Grand Theft Auto 4 could receive a physical gift from Rockstar in the form of a key to the city of Liberty City. In addition, the nicknames of such players were recorded on the official website in a special list. The problem is that the fourth GTA is one of the most boring in the series for a full walkthrough, because you are required to find 200 pigeons that are found in the open world of the game.
About the girl on the cover of the game
On the cover of GTA 4 you can see a girl with a red lollipop. Information about her is in the Liberty City police database. This dissolute lady is called Lola del Rio, she came to the City of Liberty from sunny San Fierro, and her love for scarlet lollipops is her distinctive feature. It is believed that the beauty tried to build a career on the stage, but nothing worked out for her. As a result, the girl ended up on the panel.
Grand Theft Auto 5
Room 13 in a hotel
In the Los Santos area called Rancho, there is a motel that does not have a room 13. This is not a developer error, but an interesting detail, because such a feature is typical of many American hotels in reality. People are superstitious and often do not want to rent rooms that are marked with an unlucky number. In order not to incur losses, hotel owners change the numbering and skip the 13th room.
The gun dealer will help your hero if the police are chasing him
If you are wanted and run into a gun shop, the dealer will shoot at the police officers who are looking for you. Most likely, a script is triggered, according to which the man tries to stop any aggression, including from law enforcement officers. The main thing is not to attack the dealer, otherwise you will become the man's number one target.
Dog near Lester's house
Near Lester's house you can see a sign "Beware of the evil dog", as well as the sounds of growling and barking. This is a recording that is played using disguised speakers, because the dog itself is not here. This is how the man tries to protect himself from uninvited guests. However, he is apparently afraid to get a real dog.
Trevor's tattoo will change depending on the ending of the game
Trevor has a tattoo on his right arm that says "In Memory of Michael". It will only remain after the ending if de Santa dies. If the ending in which everyone survives is chosen, Trevor will change the tattoo to a skull.
Amanda de Santa has a page on a dating site
If you go to the website in the game and scroll through the pages with profiles of girls who want to meet, you will find Amanda. She is signed as foxymama21. The girl is photographed from behind, so it is impossible to recognize her by her face. However, the description of her hobbies and marital status completely matches Michael's wife. It turns out that she is 43 years old, and she wants to meet an athletic guy who likes older women.
The Cluckin' Bell chain symbol resembles a dove
From a distance, the Cluckin' Bell mascot looks like a chicken. However, instead of a comb on its head, there is a traffic cone. If you remove this object, the statue will look like a dove. It involuntarily arises the thought that it is from these birds that the meat used in local burgers is prepared. In Los Santos itself, pigeons are almost never found. Perhaps they are actively caught for the production of cutlets.
Which facts from our article surprised you? Perhaps you know other interesting moments from the GTA series games? Share your stories in the comments!
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