Description: Here is a fresh cover of the BAC Mono sports car from me, this is the first cover of this car in GTA SA and not in bad quality. The car is adapted to the IVLM 2.0.1 mod, which works great in SAMP, of course there is a second version of t...
At my job, I went all around and around a wonderful and old loader that worked in production for about thirty-three years, if I'm not mistaken. And only recently the idea came to mind, why not model this pensioner in GTA SA, and so it happened, I did...
Not a bad village tarantass pumped him Xzibit. Just kidding, he won’t pump as cool as I pumped. All parts are working and everything is as it was in FlatOut 2, yes, it is from there from the world of auto wrecks, only before doing a little tuning, as...