GTA V Chase Music - Now, when the police are looking for you (or chasing you), disturbing music from GTA 5 plays in the background. There are three compositions in total. ...
Deadly Wrecks is a small scripted mod for the seat belt. Unlike the trainer, it has an icon next to the radar (since version 1.1) and the player's own damage system (can be configured). For example, the damage depends on the force of the car hitti...
Big City Life is a script mod that adds exciting role-playing features to the game. You have four needs: hunger, sleep, fun, and social activity. Each need has its advantages and disadvantages (for example, if you are hungry, you lose health). ...
Gang Life - Drug Wars - choose the side of the Jamaicans or Puerto Ricans, and fight for the territory indicated on the map. Features: - Creation of a gang; – Group recruitment (8 people); The gang travels in two cars. - You can sell drugs; ...
I present to you an updated version of the script "Working speedometer" Changes: Now not only the speedometer works, and the steering wheel turns. Here is the video: ...
Armored Truck Robbery - There is a cash-in-transit vehicle in Algonquin. You have a bomb that needs to be planted behind this truck at a distance of 4-7 meters. If closer - then you will destroy the truck, if further - then the blast wave will not op...
Hostage mod - a simple script mod that allows the main character to take any peds hostage. The process is this: first we scare the ped and he raises his hands, then we take him in a turn and he puts his hands behind his back and walks in front of ...
Pissing peds - a small mod that adds a piece of Russia to Liberty City. Now on the streets it will be possible to meet people celebrating their natural needs. Features: You can adjust the frequency of appearance of such irresponsible comrades. ...
ArmedIRL is a small scripted mod that adds a little more reality to Liberty City. If you dare to put, then the peds will react to the weapon in your hands. Features: weapons differ in visibility. For example, a pistol is less visible than a shotg...