At the request of _Princess_ Celestia_ made a version of the raindance helicopter for multiplayer, now up to 4 people can jump into it (not counting the pilot and passenger in the front seat), which makes the team game more interesting. WARNING ...
A few more cars, in the back of which the game character can fit. Modification specifically for multiplayer. With such trucks it will be much more interesting to play. P.S. Ratings and comments are optional.
This is a modification of the standard Yankee, the player can go into the body. The mod is made for Sa-Mp, specifically for the LibertyCity server. I think sa-mpu27e will be more fun to play with such a truck. P.S. Ratings and comments are optional....
Here, the fourteenth modification of my project, made from a concept (from scratch), a beautiful motorcycle - Harley Davidson, looks too big in the game, because I could not find suitable drawings all over the Internet, I did it from the photo, but ...
The mod brings a new convertible into the game. Replaces Yosemite (Yoshmit- One of the pickups in the game). I created this model completely from scratch, without drawings, etc. The body shape is completely original and has no analogues, because I d...