A mod that changes game special effects. Namely: * Realistic blood stains * New water in the sea * At traffic lights, instead of a hand and a pedestrian, the words "Stop" and "Go" now glow * Metal shells * Realistic water pouring from fire hydrants *...
This mod replaces the boring GTA SA icons with icons from GTA 4. Some icons in GTA SA are not interchangeable. But I drew them myself in the style of GTA IV. In general, download and evaluate. Good game!
So, an even more improved version of the mod, which adds realistic damage and weapon behavior to gtasa, as in gta4. Changed the accuracy of weapons and the amount of ammunition, as in gta4. Also new! Added new realistic animations like CJ wearing wea...
Well here is the latest version of this mod. It includes everything from the previous 2 versions of the mod + new features, and these are: - New high quality Luis Lopez. - 15 DYOM missions from the "Ballads" storyline. - The Bahama Mamas nightclub f...
Now in GTASA people walk on the streets with phones and bags like in GTA IV + Bonus - money model from GTA IV, dollar and hryvnia. + Bonus from LostMc - Bag icons for GTA IV HUD by Alexander You can pick up a bag from a passerby!