This script makes the game a little more realistic. Now in the sunny town of Vice City you can sit on the bench, for this you need to go to one of them and press the E button. Unfortunately, you can only sit on wooden benches. P.S. If you have one...
I wrote this script a long time ago, at the request of a good friend, so I decided to add it, maybe it will come in handy for someone else. Description: Everyone who played Vice City with weapon codes ( nuttertools, thugstools, professionaltools fo...
Description: The script makes the car wash in Vice City work. The car wash is open from 7:00 to 23:00. Technical and lunch breaks from 12:00 to 13:00 and from 19:00 to 20:00. The cost of services is $50. P.S. The car wash is marked on the map, so you...
This script allows you to lock the doors of the car you are in from the inside. When you press the "-" button on the numpad, the doors of your car will be locked, when you press again or get out of the car, they will be unlocked again. If your car ...