New version of PAZik 3205 v1.1, fixed: • Delivered factory wheels; • Added speedometers; • New salon; • Fixed wheels, now they do not protrude from the body; • Glasses are more transparent; • Added reversing lights; • Added headlights; • Added tex...
Bus Isuzu Bogdan А09202 for Grand Theft Auto IV. Model features: Body color, working doors; The car from afar looks the same as up close; All headlights and turn signals are fully working; There is one extra in the form of curtains in the cabin, t...
Minibus - Paz 3205 for Grand Theft Auto IV. Model features: Body color, working doors, car from afar looks the same as close up, rear lights work, turn signals work, there is 1 extra in the form of antennas on the roof, there are glasses, there is a ...
BMW M3 GT2 Drift Style for Grand Theft Auto IV - All working parts of the car, a comfortable camera while driving, all windows are broken, the correct disks with a burst tire, the car shoots through and beats like standard ones, Niko's hands are on t...