Now you can drop the bomb from the car "BLADE" To do this, sit in this machine, start driving and press "N" , And then quickly leave this place, otherwise you will be carried along with the car. The main thing is not to install a bomb if the...
This script allows you to summon an impenetrable, and very powerful machine. The machine is not only durable, but also able to ride on the walls. Controls: + Call the car - "Home" + Roll on the walls - H (English)
The script was made at the request of the user - Stalker(dolg48) Description: Since the "Smoking" script already exists, I made a script in which you can smoke drugs. To do this, press "F" and CJ will smoke. After he smokes, the effect of drugs wil...
So I posted the 3rd (last) version of the "Food" script. This time there is some variety in the script. Let's see what the script includes: * By pressing the "L" key, the Main Hero will eat a hamburger and his ARMOR will be replenished. * When you p...
The essence of this script is as follows. If the Main Hero is caught by the police, he will be sent to EXILE on the island. After serving his sentence, CJ'ya is waiting for the road to the station in San Fierro. Walk around the island a little, admir...
This is an improved version of the "Food" script. Now you can choose what to eat: 1) Pizza. 2) Hamburger. Both will restore the health of the Main Hero. Eat pizza press - "O" Eat a hamburger press - "L" Bon Appetit! P.S. There will be the last 3rd ...
Once upon a time, when I just found this wonderful site. I spread the script "Food" on it. And now I remembered something about him and made a second version. In principle, they do not differ much from each other. V.1.00: When you ...
The script was made at the request of the user - VrednyiRus Now you can drop bombs from helicopters. Just get in the helicopter and press - "Space". The helicopter will drop one bomb, but it will be powerful enough. Here are the helicopters you can...