Many people know that some things are thrown out of every game during development, sometimes because the developers believe that they do not fit into the style or atmosphere of the game, sometimes simply because the authors do not have time to implem...
Modification " Airport takeover ” allows you to travel back to the years of the Second World War. The action takes place in a small domestic airport located in the countryside. The airport was taken over by a group of Nazi soldiers to be used as a h...
The second version of the script, which adds an element of realism to the game - flying midges, beetles and other insects. In the second version, insects have become less annoying and are now much less noticeable. On the one hand, they have ceased...
The mod adds a small element of realism to the game - butterflies, midges, bugs and other insects flying around the city. The script is based on developments from Overdose Effects , but as far as I know, butterflies and midges were found there on...
The modification is a script that allows the car to fly. By default it's Buffalo, but with scripting skills you can change the model of the car. In addition to being able to fly, the vehicle will be bulletproof and impact resistant. Read about the m...
Many people know that some things are thrown out of every game during development, sometimes because the developers believe that they do not fit into the style or atmosphere of the game, sometimes simply because the authors do not have time to implem...
A modification that unlocks access to another interior, which previously we could only enter during the passage of the mission - Building Planning Department in Las Venturas . Sneaking into one of the service rooms, we had to photograph the plan of...
In GTA San Andreas a huge number of interiors that are not used, or used only in commercials, and otherwise you won’t visit there with the help of mods. Of course, there are programs for teleportation, but it's much more interesting to enter a pre...
A set of two crazy mods. 1. Long Jump 2.0 . By pressing C + P, Carl will find himself in an uncontrolled and unmanned aircraft, which rushes at a completely wild height somewhere above the state (the pilot, apparently, went out to smoke). To save...
Script based on the game Half-Life 1 . Simulating messages from a protective suit, it can report on the player's health status and other parameters (running out of ammo, damage to the suit, imminent death, etc.). The script can be used for tricks in...