Japanese HOWA Type 64 assault rifle and HOWA Type 89 assault rifle, AVA envelope. -Models are correctly positioned in the hands of -Have their own icons and settings weapon.dat -Designed in the 60s and 80s. Accordingly, the Type 64 replaced the M1 i...
Modern Chinese machines Norinco QBZ-95-1 and QBZ-03, PLA envelope. - Models are correctly positioned "in the hands" (QBZ-95-1 - as far as possible for the "bullpup"). - Have their own icons.
A set of weapons from Shadow Warrior. Katana, Chiappa "Rhino" revolver and MP7A1 submachine gun. - The position in the hands is normal. - The icon has been replaced. - Envelope without glaring bugs. - Replacement for desert_eagle, tec9 and katana. ...